I really like their statement that you an eat the product...
Are they darfed... I have too many clients doing that already. How on earth will I keep my clients from biting and eating if my main selling point would be "so safe you can eat them".

that would really help us to reform nail biters, now wouldn't it?
I have so many loyal clients because I have reformed them from biting, being exceptionally supportive and understanding because I am a former biter myself. They have referred many clients my way.
Now if they thought they could eat the stuff, would they still have been reformed????
And really, now if acrylic was so darned dangerous, would there be so many other acrylic things in our daily lives? Such as false teeth, etc?
It's interesting to see how such companies "play" with facts to make things appear as they are not, know what I mean?
I received another message from her. No idea why.

Anyhow, apparently her "creative friends" are stunned by 'MY' behaviour
ALL I did was ask repeatedly for MSDS and invite her to geek!