*~* The Official - Big Brother 9 - Thread *~*


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She is an embarrassment to the North East! :mad:

Has anyone noticed how well Kat speaks now?? Think she puts the broken English thing on a bit, she can speak fine in the house, knocking of a few of the last letters on some of her words, then she goes in the diary room and you cant understand a word she says!!

Darnell to win...

Jen to go....she has a right fish and chip gob.
ggrrrrrrrr! Jens gota go this week..............PPPLLLLLEEEAASSSSSSSEE!!!
Jen and Bex have got to be 2 of the most vile people I have ever seen on tv, and they really really don't appear to see anything wrong with how they behave. Oh how I enjoyed seeing Mario throw cold fishy water over them :lol:
All that fuss was made when Rex did whatever it was he was supposed to have done to Jens painting but sod all has been said over Bex slashing up Mo's birthday belt....I felt really sorry for Rex last night in the diary room saying how he felt lonely.

Jen MUST go !!...
I have to say ...GET JEEENNNNN OOOUUUTTTTTT.......

What was with her yesterday all of a sudden "crying over her baby" my ass she was, she was crying (again) because she was TOTALLY shocked to find people in the house actually don't like her :twisted: avvveee ittttt !!!!

The only time she cracks a smile is when someones either flirting with her, or fighting over her...GET OVER YOURSELF WOMAN...YOU JUST AINT THAT SPECIAL !!!!
"I just think we should all be ourselves man...nooo-one is real in this house, nooo-one is beeeing true to themselves"
aggrhhhh shut ya mush woman !

Cat as much as I love her..i think Mario had a point last night when he was saying to Luke she is much cleverer than she is making out.
Darnell I like him a bit too...but his singing is now beginning to bug me :lol:

Dale....what is the point of him ??????
Luke...awww he does come out with some funny lines, I think its just his accent, the way he Say's things makes me laugh, and I like the way he talks to bex ..and gets away with it lol.

I am really beginning to like Lisa ...I've never really felt anyway about her, but yep I like her...shes just ...grown up ! lol
Mario seems to be settling down a bit now...I haven't heard "I am a facilitator...I facilitate people" for a while now lol.
And I was surprised last night when he actually admitted to being crap at something lol.

Rachael.......erm....who ???? (she seems to be looking after her enhancements though, so a brownie point from me)

Mo....I like him and I don't... he would annoy me, but I do think he held his own at the beginning
Mikey...I have no feelings either way on him really.

BEX ...GRRRRRRRRRR she is the friend you would be a little embarrassed of isn't she really.

Have I missed anyone ???

ooo yes Rex...I quite like him, Yeah ok he has said some offensive comments, but c'mon, compared to the rest of them, he just isn't a bitch !
in the words of Mohammed....ITS JUST A PAINTING !!!!

how could you forget Rex....:lol:

and Stuart.
I think Jen will go .. she was very shocked to think she wasn't liked, deluded girl !! and what has happened to bex?? she was ok last week and now is a right pain.

sorry I'm not keen on kat noone is that nice, sweet and Innocent !!! she'd get an Oscar for acting.

my fav is lisa I think she is just cool and has really grown on me, I think she'd be a real good mate.

how could you forget Rex....:lol:

and Stuart.
Stuart...one thing to say about him
....Bodyshop eye makeup remover is FANTASTIC !!!!! :green:
Stuart is well fit. Stunnin bod... not into the eye liner and all that crap but he is cool as! Dale sooooooooooo wants to be him. Bless him, tryin his hardest to look cool, raking about in his leather jacket!! WTF??
Get Jen out i say. Who does she think she is comparing her painting to Monet????

"Well you wouldn't ruin a Monet Rex so you shouldn't ruin mine" :eek:

Get a grip girl!

In the begining i thought she was OK but now she needs to go. I'll laugh my head off if she's evicted...:lol::lol:

I'm loving Darnel...he speaks alot of sense..:hug:
Jen and Bex have got to be 2 of the most vile people I have ever seen on tv, and they really really don't appear to see anything wrong with how they behave. Oh how I enjoyed seeing Mario throw cold fishy water over them :lol:

Oh me too. Couldn't have happened to two nicer people :)
Jen must go and Bex needs to keep em covered. Don't want to see that anymore, put me right off me cuppa. It's like mmm got nothing to do so I'll get me baps out...NOOOOOO!
well i promised to myself (and my husband)that i was not gonna even start watching it this year but here i am 3 weeks on and tuned in ever blinkin night or if i miss it i can catch up on a morning arghhhhh why oh why is it so addictive, i find my blood boiling with certain characters (Beckie and Jenny) but still i carry on watching lol:Grope:
I was the same- saod I def wasnt getting inot it this year- but I havent missed one yet!! Jen is sooooo annoying, her face was hilarious when she was nominated to be up for eviction! She think everyone loves her!!
Its says on channel4 website on Dales profile that hes in a relationship????????:rolleyes:
Well I've voted 6 times for Jen! I can't stand the woman its just ...whinge... whinge... bitch... bitch... and if thats her showing her true self as she likes to bang on about.. then I'd rather have the fake..
I just cant wait to hear the noise of the boos when Jen is evicted tomorrow, just to see the look on her face. I hope she starts crying or summat...mwahahahah. xx
My first impressions of them all are now changing as some of the masks are slipping!

I just love Mario and Lisa - just because they have so many comedy moments. They are really cringe worthy at times and just so vain - but i love them for it :lol:

I find it funny when they exercise together - doing a tug of war thing with a towel. And last night when she was practically naked and he was scrubbing her, and people were shocked when they walked in the bedroom - so funny :green:

Not keen on Bex, Rex and Jennifer.
I hope jen goes tomorrow and her husband is waiting in the crowd!

Stuart...well i dont know what people see in him, not my cup of tea at all :rolleyes:
Jen the 'single mother' who's married and has been for 4 years should go!

She is a drama queen who thinks she is actually good at life drawing when she is actually SH*T!

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