G'Day..... I have to let you guys know that's Exactly what TEAM SPA EXPERIENCE/AUSTRALIA caters to . I also have the incentives for the girls! We feature & use onlty CND Professional Spa Products. Currently working on Web info. Here the novice girls have to be in Industry for total 1yr before they can obtain Creative Spa Certificates.I insist they complete basic Mani/Pedi Cert..Within 1mth otherwise they remain at the Spa Assistant.My 15yr old baby has just completed her Creative Spa[SOOOOOO proud of her!] We have been operating since Nov '03.My AVATAR is T/S/E Logo. A Flag is on the way.Our Club House is where we meet 'n' greet You guys, local charities etc.Keep an eye out we're on the way..............I hope to open the whole NAIL WORLD to them..Not a Big Ask there is so much support here. No need to feel flat any morexxxx Kind Regards Janice Hogan Owner/Operator. TEAM SPA EXPERIENCE AUSTRALIA