Torn between brands, help please


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Thank everyone ☺ I've decided to go with CND initially as they are so well known and truested by allot of people. I would love to give ilac a chance as I love that its a British brand and made in the EU too, and I think I will use that as an additional brand once I get started. I've still got 2 months left of my course so I can't get the CND price list which is a bit of a pain, but I've given my advisor the list of products that I'll need to apply for my funding. He thinks they may come back and say that I need to give them the actual prices for things, but I'll have to cross that bridge when I come to it.

I am starting from scratch, but I have my Auntie and her ladies who I think I've got a good chance of building clients from, and I'm also teaming up with my hairdresser too. I'm going to start off offering them a free hand massage while they have colour treatments and offer a discount if theybook in with me on the day. Hoping to get some more clients that way too.
I'm new nail technician (qualified January 2016)
I use CND Shellac because everybody know the brand.. But I also use INK too.. To give clients the choice..
INK is well known in Vegtarian community (I only just found out that!)

Ink does trial set where you can try and see if you like them before buy the full range.
Honest from my point of view.. I love BOTH of them!! They both good to use.. So I give the client the colour range.. On pop stick.. If they not request for specific brand.. They'll choose the colour and I identifying by what I written on the stick. (If they request the brand then I show them limit colour)
I use INK products and they are fantastic, But if the majority of your clients are hardcore "X brand" not just CND, then it makes sense to invest in the product thats going to get you the most clients.

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