I’ve been thinking about the impact nail products are having on climate change. Here in the U.K. we have an obligation to take steps to achieve carbon net zero by 2050. I am assessing my carbon footprint and looking at ways to reduce it and nail products are basically planet harming chemicals. I’m not sure I want to earn my living working with them.
The ingredients used in nail polish and solvents, gels etc, all contribute to climate change in their manufacture and then we carry on using them without any real regard for their harmful impact on the planet. I’ve not had any education in how to handle my chemical emissions- in the overall scheme of things it’s unimportant, it’s not going to save the planet if nail polish etc was banned overnight. But it still leaves me with the thorny problem of how I feel about this morally.
Nail products release volatile organic compounds and these break down rapidly in the atmosphere to become air pollution and smog. I’m not sure I want to be offering planet harming services. I’m not sure I want to serve clients that don’t care about the planet and I’m morally conflicted selling to clients who don’t realise that their nail services are harming the planet. I feel all the talk about 10 free, vegan, plastic free and recycling is a distraction from the reality that we are part of the problem that needs fixing.
I’ve got Ravair purifiers - these catch and filter gases unlike most air purifiers which just filter out particles (gas molecules are too tiny to be caught by an hepa filter). And I bag my waste and it’s incinerated in a waste plant that produces electricity. My salon is stuffed with air filtering plants as well. But I still have a feeling of discomfort about this. It’s going to sit on my carbon footprint calculator as the one thing I’m not doing anything to reduce.