with this tuturial I sure didnt need to spend 700.00 for my course...But I am pleased I did there was so much to learn in such little time.
excellent tutor, I have a question Ive been asking many individuals....I live in a rural area and these womwn have been using neet and nair.....ingrown hairs galore also im finding Im not getting the leg all that smooth but interesting enough when i use the magnify I see no hair or black spots...grr. very frustrating to have the feeling of a rough razor shave. I hope you can share your feelings as to what this is.
Thank you
with this tuturial I sure didnt need to spend 700.00 for my course...But I am pleased I did there was so much to learn in such little time.
excellent tutor, I have a question Ive been asking many individuals....I live in a rural area and these womwn have been using neet and nair.....ingrown hairs galore also im finding Im not getting the leg all that smooth but interesting enough when i use the magnify I see no hair or black spots...grr. very frustrating to have the feeling of a rough razor shave. I hope you can share your feelings as to what this is.
Thank you