Will the Nsi 36watt lamp cure Shellac?


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I "personally" think the whole shellac thing has been a bit of bad business all round.

Iv'e lost count of how many people on here have said they can't get hold of the products, lamps etc...

Now I understand that it may be bigger than cnd thought it would be and im sure they are doing there best to cope as well sweet squared, they also must feel under pressure to supply...but however it remains that we all ordered the stuff only now to find we are losing clients, can't get hold of colours our clients want..it all feels frustration all round!

Regarding the lamps it's only common sense that you need a lamp from cnd, we have heard the problems other have had using different lamps..and we have all be warned even if shellac looks ok on the outside it might not be on the inside...9/10 times these people using the wrong lamp will be the ones blaming the product.

It seems it was a bit of a hype and now a bit of a low....lets hope it all settles out soon with more continuous stock supplies, not in bits and bobs xx
I have the new lamp n I have to say I was miffed as usual buying another lamp lol however I felt I needed it to gaurentee my product for the full 14 days as advertised!
I have to say it's a beast of a lamp! Love it well worth it's money and the best lamp I have had ( once I figured out how to get the lid off lmao)

Also the fact that shellac is selling out so fast tells me that it's a great product to offer therefore worth the investment!
yes my nsi lamp cures my shellac :) i do about 5 shellacs a week
yes my nsi lamp cures my shellac :) i do about 5 shellacs a week

I do maybe 6 a day at the MO, and have no problems or worry's My client leaves and I know there will be no prob until they come back in 2 weeks for there re shellac,
I can also be qute sure that as the months pass they wont build up any reaction to the uncured shellac....
I know this as I'm using the whole system that also includes the light.
When I first started using Shellac, I used my NSI lamp which seemed to cure the product fine. Great I thought, I won't need to spend more money on another lamp because this one works fine.

Then a client reported that they were getting chips after a couple of days wear, another client was getting chipped Shellac after a week. The solution - I immediately sourced a CND Brisa Lamp, and since using the correct lamp I have had NO complaints because it is the correct lamp to cure this product.

The moral of the story - listen to the advice on here! Get yourself a CND lamp if you are using Shellac. It is a FANTASTIC product if used correctly, your customers will love it and you will definately more than recoup the money you spend on buying the correct lamp. Plus I'm sure you wouldn't want to compromise your reputation by providing a Shellac service that WILL at some point breakdown if you're using the wrong lamp to cure it.

I am saying nothing, cause I already said it hundreds of thousands times. :eek:
When I first started using Shellac, I used my NSI lamp which seemed to cure the product fine. Great I thought, I won't need to spend more money on another lamp because this one works fine.

Then a client reported that they were getting chips after a couple of days wear, another client was getting chipped Shellac after a week. The solution - I immediately sourced a CND Brisa Lamp, and since using the correct lamp I have had NO complaints because it is the correct lamp to cure this product.

The moral of the story - listen to the advice on here! Get yourself a CND lamp if you are using Shellac. It is a FANTASTIC product if used correctly, your customers will love it and you will definately more than recoup the money you spend on buying the correct lamp. Plus I'm sure you wouldn't want to compromise your reputation by providing a Shellac service that WILL at some point breakdown if you're using the wrong lamp to cure it.


thank you....you really answered the question! (my question too:D)
as u have tried both it really helped.
Found alot of the answers on this post to be a bit rude, not actually getting to point just repeating the moans of others. Thanks again x
I don't think anyones been rude. People have answered the question and some are frustrated that people dodnt utilise the search function before posting. Or in this case have done but even after reading the overwhelming amount of advice that indicates you do HAVE to buy the correct lamp for your system..still asked if its necessary anyway.

You don't have to try 2 different lamps to give a valid answer, most shellac techs on this site used their common sense and bought the right lamp straight away.

A topic about systems is being discussed in another thread just now.

Yes I tried another lamp back in the days of lamp shortgae BUT - guess what! It doesn't work properly! EVEN if you think it does. Why mess about when it;s your reputation and it looks SO MUCH MORE PROFESSIONAL :green: Also I'm pretty sure insurance is not valid if the correct 'system' is not being used.

I don't think anyones been rude. People have answered the question and some are frustrated that people dodnt utilise the search function before posting. Or in this case have done but even after reading the overwhelming amount of advice that indicates you do HAVE to buy the correct lamp for your system..still asked if its necessary anyway.

You don't have to try 2 different lamps to give a valid answer, most shellac techs on this site used their common sense and bought the right lamp straight away.

A topic about systems is being discussed in another thread just now.

You wee star said it all;) well said!

The forum is full of info ;) it's a bible!

Don't be lazy peeps, do a search;)

Nail designer with a twist;)
Im just going to end up repeating what other people had said BUT it has been all over this site and the answers have all been the same.
I dont use shellac but eventually (money allowing) i will be! And i know that eventhough im going to be offering NSI products, i will buy the CND lamp for shellac products. Yeah it sucks to have to buy two lamps but im sure the lamps will pay for them selves quickly once people start to see that the products last. HOWEVER if you dont use the correct lamps then they wont last as well or as long and indeed you will loose clients and money.
Save money and keep just the one type of lamp = loose clients and reputation not to mention money
Spend the extra money by buying the correct lampS = possibly gain more clients and reputation and get money back that you spent on lamps from clients loving the service you offer

Seems pretty obvious to me.. good luck with it all hun
I use NSI products and I have just started to use Polish Pro.
It was officially lunched here in Australia last September.
During the seminar, the question was asked if any brand of 36w full hand uv lamp can be used with POLISH PRO.
The answer was yes but it must be a full 4 bulb/full hand lamp but it has been designed to work with ANY lamp.
So I know the science behind polish pro enables me to use ANY brand of 4 bulb UV lamp and I can be confident it is cured correctly.
Now lets look at Shellac....
CND say it must be cured using the CND lamp.
Shellac has science behind it just like Polish Pro and the science behind it says that it must be cured in the CND lamp and the CND lamp has been made to work with Shellac (and Brisa), it's designed this way.
So if Shellac was scientifically designed to work with ANY brand of lamp, CND would say so, like NSI have.
NSI said at the seminar they are not a UV lamp company (even though they do sell lamps) so they were not out to make money on selling laps, the decided to concentrate their efforts in making their product work with ANY lamp and that is their choice, CND have done things differently and that's their choice and when they do these things I'm sure they expect the techs to use it as intended to get optimum results.

We are not scientists, we are the end users and it baffles me that some techs think they can outwit the scientists on things like this.

I feel sorry for CND due to the bad wrap Shellac is getting in some places cause clients think when it chips, peels, shrinks, causes a reaction etc it MUST be the Shellac, the client would never think to ask her tech "Oh by the way, are you using the entire system as intended?"
No, they just EXPECT the tech to be using the system correctly to the manufacturers recommendations, they would never think that their tech is giving them a bitsa (bit of everything) service.

Just my 2 cents worth.
If the nails are lasting as well then I don't see what the problem is. Surely if they weren't curing properly there would be problems with them.

Then you should tell the client you are not using the right lamp for the job & although it might LOOK cured, if it is not, the result is that the CLIENT may eventually get an allergic reaction to the product & therefore not be able to have gels again....then let her make the decision......

I would be furious to find out that it was a professional tech that had made me allergic to a product & I could no longer have them.

You do hear of tech's having to give up because of over exposure.

If you can't afford a new lamp then use the gels that say "no special lamp needed"
Then you should tell the client you are not using the right lamp for the job & although it might LOOK cured, if it is not, the result is that the CLIENT may eventually get an allergic reaction to the product & therefore not be able to have gels again....then let her make the decision......

I would be furious to find out that it was a professional tech that had made me allergic to a product & I could no longer have them.

You do hear of tech's having to give up because of over exposure.

If you can't afford a new lamp then use the gels that say "no special lamp needed"

Hear!! Hear!! :)

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