You can try, I'm not sure what the mentality is in the States. On this site we always tell Tech's not to refund clients, to find a way to sort it, at the end of the day the Tech has used both her time and products on those nails so if she refunds you she's going to be out of pocket in more ways than one!! HOWEVER, that advice is usually given when the Tech is in the right and the client is being unreasonable or expecting too much. In this situation your nails have not been right since the initial application, I suspect they are working beyond their capabilities and as such it's not right to be charging clients for this type of shoddy work. I'm really not convinced they're going to get it right and I would walk away. But thats our British, stiff upper lip, way of doing things, we don't complain, we just walk away and never go back whilst bitching and complaining to whoever will listen