I think children have enough pressure on them without having to remember every little aspect of their lives or get in trouble for it.
I do most things for my children and always have they just gradually start to take on their own responsibilities in their own time without having to be told ,as they get older.
Tidying bedrooms became a battle ground until i just started to leave them now they do get done because neither of them like the mess themselves.
Remembering kit just happened too, eventually in secondary school because after a while you lose track of when they have pe so only they know anyway.
I hate doing housework and ironing etc so i certainly dont want to be inflicting it on my kids,once they are old enough they are going to be doing it for a lifetime.
What i have always made a point of though is the importance of work.
My daughter has always had a job ever since she legally could.
She now has two jobs since she has finished college ,one in a diy store and also in a spa which will hopefully become full time.She is working her little socks off with no complaints at all,and i shall expect my son to be the same and as soon as legal be going all out for a part time job also.