Judge Gigi-Honorary Geek
oh please come on, if you dont know know the product why the interest?
If you are not interested in it you wouldnt be posting!
you seem negative to me therefore remind me not to visit one of your footballers wives salons for a reiki treatment.
Sorry but if you have no interest in the product and clearly you dont why not check out the latest on the shellac thread?
Like I have said dont judge untill you have tried it:wink2:
I read all threads and comment when I have an opinion ... which you just pointed out we all have a right to do (apart from me apparently).
I haven't the slightest interest in consumer lines other than the comment I made. And no interest in advertising unless it is ethical which this product's advertising seems not to be.
I have made no judgement about the product at all ... it could be good, bad or indifferent as some have already said (not me). Take a chill pill love ... it's only a freakin' polish ............... one thing Shellac isn't!! Now there is a product that really is awesome. Nothing to compare to it.
Your last post just makes you sound silly and childish, particularly the highlighted bit. what on earth is that all about?