you poor thing :hug:
i sooo know where you are coming from.
i've been in business for 18 yrs now, & 1 day i will write a book about my experiences, really, they would fill a book
there are as many ups as there were downs, just!, but is was all a learning curve.
if i could give anyone a few bits of advice they would b:
1. NEVER do anything on "a gentleman's agreement". even if the "gentleman" is a long standing freind of yours
. always use a solicitor.
2. always have more money than you think you will need (easier said than done). i spent the 1st 10 yrs, borrowing money, working hard, paying it back, borrow more money.... & so on.
3. don't get too big. the VAT man will take you for everything you've got.
every bit of grief i've had in the last 18 yrs can b brought down to 1 of these 3 things, one way or another.
all that said, ive watched lots of people open salons and for no fault of their own, have had to close.
all the plannong in the world doesnt guarrentee you sucess.
you did the right thing, always follow your instincts, either set up from home, as you know lots of geeks have done this, and are very happy.
if i had more space at home, i would consider it, but it would have to be completely seperate. i've had the displeasure of having my whole salon in my house twice due to re-location, it wasn't funny
or continue looking, sometimes a house that is for rent is a good option, but the change of use takes some time.
these landlords are used to short term agreements and may b less hassle.
chin up, take a few deep breaths, and well done for sharing your experience on here, it may of made someone think twice about making a hasty decision.