Well-Known Member
Are the cheap sets done by properly trained technicians I always wonder? And at silly prices it has to be "genuine" CND shellac straight off eBay doesn't it or it wouldn't be viable unless you were working for nothing
I can get genuine CND shellac near me for £10 for fingers. And she's really good too. AND she's mobile. It's why I don't do nails, I'm not going to even try and compete with that.
Does this nail tech offer other services too? To make up the appointment costs? I cannot make the maths add up on that!!
Subsidised by tax credits too?Tbh when it's really really cheap you're running a charity, not a business
The usual suspects Elite99, bluesky - it is being offered as Shellac....
It does make it seem as we are being greedy, I've been told by 3 different people this week enquiring about Acrylic nails that £23 for a full set is too expensive
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I've now posted that on my Facebook page, just a subtle hint to not message me just to say it's too expensive and can they have a discount [emoji4]
Those doing it as an addition to there main job/as a hobby/side line..... do not realise how much harm they are causing the professional who is trying to earn a decent living from this industry.
I've said this before, and received defensive responses , BUT, this is our profession...our main source of income.
Please understand what you do with such low make the Tech who has this as their SOLE INCOME, appear expensive and greedy!
If you work out an hourly rate+overheads+product costs+insurance+training+ tax insurance..... etc, you COULD NOT profit from what is being charged by so many.....So why do it!
Lovely aren't they - new trend settersI LOVE THOSE NAILS..........
It beats me why people bother to get properly qualified and then waste themselves using inferior products, which leads to them offering cheap nails because they darent ask more using cheapy non-pro products so attract cheapskate clients which leads to lower self esteem and a lack of belief in ones abilities not to mention low income from nails
Why would you get qualified and do this to yourself?