I have 2 boys, one from my first marriage and one with The Geek. Haydn is almost 17 and Dexter is 9.
I enjoyed the whole prego bit and giving birth - was very lucky in that department. But we also work A LOT and I am way too selfish to have any more. Also I wouldn't want children in my 40's... some do which is fine but not me.
Both are independant and well travelled. Where as Haydn is growing up fast, Dexter is stilly my baby!! I love them both and am quite happy that I didn't have a 'pink' one... if she had been anything like me
it would have been a tough time!!! :lol:
I enjoyed reading about you all and my heart goes out to those who have experienced things that none of us would wish you to have experienced. Who knows why things happen to some and not others:idea:
To those of you who are under 25 and think it would be 'cool'... think again. It changes you forever... do it when you are ready and meanwhile - condoms are availble from Boots!