Could you live without wearing makeup?


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I could if I had too but I choose to spend 5 minutes everyday putting my makeup on, I feel better with it on.

I don't wear loads of makeup just enough
I used to wear makeup ALL the freakin time (being a makeup artist and all that jazz) but as I've gotten older I've just become more not bothered about it than anything. I had bad skin in my early 20s and covering it with makeup only made it worse. Only now the past year or so I've learnt to love my skin, I've learnt that everyone ISN'T staring at my uneven skin tone or small amount of spot scarring. I barely wear it now. In all honesty I don't think I could go a whole year without it. But now the majority of the time I don't wear makeup. Usually only when I have a meeting, or an occasion and trust me my skin is FAR from perfect, but I'm okay with it. I'm sure there are people out there dealing with much more complex imperfections with their skin than my 2-tone face and spot scarring.

x HelloSORRISO x

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