Hi Guys
Please be gentle this is my forst post lol! I have finally got the money to retrain and I really wanted to train and become mobile in spray tanning. However Ive been researching like crazy see what tan solutions people use and also how much they charge. Now Im due to get married in April this year so I need one myself and was looking at paying at least £20. I found one lady who did my area charging £20, 2 charging £15 and one charging £10! Im looking at starting a business to help my family out here and there but £15 and £10 really bothers me. Surely there cannot be much of a profit in this? I live in not a particularly affluent area agreed but Im thinking is it worth me spending out money on training and kit only to charge £10 or £15 especially as Ill be mobile and paying out for petrol on top of stock etc. Could I please have some advice on what you guys charge and see if anyone else charges these low prices because Id really like to hear about your profit margin. I really want to have my own soray tan business but if the figures dont add up I really dont see the point. Please your thoughts would be greatly appreciated. We're selling our second car to finance this and so will not have this money again for years to come, so my decision is really important.
Thanks all sorry for the loooooong post.
Hugs all xxxx
Please be gentle this is my forst post lol! I have finally got the money to retrain and I really wanted to train and become mobile in spray tanning. However Ive been researching like crazy see what tan solutions people use and also how much they charge. Now Im due to get married in April this year so I need one myself and was looking at paying at least £20. I found one lady who did my area charging £20, 2 charging £15 and one charging £10! Im looking at starting a business to help my family out here and there but £15 and £10 really bothers me. Surely there cannot be much of a profit in this? I live in not a particularly affluent area agreed but Im thinking is it worth me spending out money on training and kit only to charge £10 or £15 especially as Ill be mobile and paying out for petrol on top of stock etc. Could I please have some advice on what you guys charge and see if anyone else charges these low prices because Id really like to hear about your profit margin. I really want to have my own soray tan business but if the figures dont add up I really dont see the point. Please your thoughts would be greatly appreciated. We're selling our second car to finance this and so will not have this money again for years to come, so my decision is really important.
Thanks all sorry for the loooooong post.
Hugs all xxxx