Does it look messy/unprofessional to have mani products/polishes from various ranges?


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Personally I would prefer to see one consistent brand across the range. If you feel for example that CND mani products are better then use / retail CND mani products exclusively, but if you prefer Jessica polishes then use and retail them. Mixing everything up would annoy and confuse me as a shopper.

As VHunter says if you want two polish ranges fine, but clearly separate them in your display - mixing them up would be really horrible!


I totally agree if you had to or wanted to use different brands then I would certainly expect them seperated, rather than all mixed as one.

I myself with being mobile find it hard to promote products as such but still find it important to portray myself as being professional and I do this by being professionaly dressed looking nice smelling nice, being polite, turning off my mobile and being business like to be taking seriously whilst mobile as the client only can see me.
If was to have a salon I would almost certainly be brand specific or brand loyal if I were to have a salon.
IMO if I were to see a nail tech with a bunch of cheapo dollar store polishes I would wonder where else they're cutting corners to save costs. That said, I have 3-4 brands of pro polishes and they are neatly organized, not thrown in a giant bin, so I dont think it looks sloppy at all and I love the variety
I also think that most customers pay very little attention to what you're using, let alone what brand it is. :green:

Have to agree with this bit the amount of times ive asked a new client what brand their prev tech had used they never know.

I really dont see a problem with it i have various different brands a polishes and its never been a problem.

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