I won't buy uv gel or similar 'chemical' products from ebay.
But I do buy artsy stuff such as decals and what not.
Yes, we are all running a business, and there are costs, and if we lower our costs, then we increase our profits.
I understand the 'support' angle regarding our distributors.i
BUT I will never understand the discrepancy in pricing.
And when it gets to the bottom line, our distributors don't care all that much about OUR bottom line, they're more concerned about theirs. If we change distributors, ah well, they always have another client lined up.
When I pointed out to my local distributor that I could get THEIR products miyself, directly from Nailite (since I know that they get a lot of THEIR stuff from them), and I pointed out the HUGE price discrepancy, they were unconcerned and said "well, then order from Nailite".
And even after shipping and customs, I still save a BUNDLE.
anyway, just rambling here, but the huge differences in pricing from one place to another are really mind-boggling.