eBay trouble, can anyone advise?


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I bought some boots off someone a while that were supposed to be a 4, were a 3 when they arrived, so I sent them back and have heard nothing, no replies to messages or anything... and no refund, so dont know where i stand with that!!

pinkbunny and kerry, your buyers were totally trying it on, weren't they, so annoying.:evil:

even if my "melted" boots had been in a hot place, i can't believe the leather would have done more than just perhaps sweat a bit? but not turn into a "tar like substance" for goodness sake.

BTW no photos yet.
I use to sell loads on eBay but only in the last 2 years have the customers become lying, cheating, no good chancers. I've therefore stopped my account and do a car boot once a year instead. I've had almost all of the experiences or similar to the above posts. Got me stressed out severely.

One of my clients came to me the other night telling me she's just discovered eBay and is having a great time selling all her stuff. She was really excited and I didn't want to burst her bubble but I thought "you just wait Lady, before it all goes tits up". :rolleyes:
I do alot of selling on ebay and had so many people trying it last year or two.
Her not wanting to send pictures says it all really.
Dont back down, stand your ground and maybe contact ebay to tell them so you can cover your back,
Its a pitty some people spoil it for others. good luck x
It sucks. My buyer even had negative posts on her account saying oh she never pays blah blah blah but ebay kept removing them saying you can't peave negative comments about a buyer; I was warned too! Ooo scary ;)

I think im going to do the car boot thing and upcycle loads of my old junk instead of bothering with ebay. It's far top time consuming as well...

Good luck with your issue hun x

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Well just to update anyone kind enough to keep an eye on my thread::hug:

I had a reply to my message asking for photos via the "add photos" thingy on ebay.

The reply was that they had found my email address from my paypal account (?? is this possible) ... and had already sent pictures for me to see.

When I checked, there's nothing there. Not even in spam.

So I'm going to ask (again) for them to send them via the ebay thingy. Why not keep it all within ebay after all. Seems they may not want ebay adjudicators to know the pictures have not actually been sent.

Bit tiresome. Nice to hear about your experiences, but a bit worrying that there are so many dirty players about :(

I suppose there's a chance they may send pictures through to me on ebay in which case I will have to eat my words!:rolleyes:
Keep us posted! Good luck. They're probably busy ironing your boots now so they hopefully melt.

Had a chancer last year who said jumper arrived with massive stain down the front. What stain? I said "look at the listing pic, there is no stain, if there's now a stain, you put it there. Send me a pic of the stain."

Never got a pic, never heard from chancer again.

Where do these people come from? I just haven't got the time (nor thankfully the inclination) to be messing people around like that to save a few pounds. Why are people so dishonest? Why? Why? No morals. It's awful.
I would say to the buyer to keep everything in ebay messages and never your private email as you want ebay to see all the messages. My chancer ebayer also had negative feedback with things like "scammer", "chancer trying to get refund" etc and as soon as they opened a dispute with me and i did a message to ebay asking advice, ebay removed all 6 of her negative and neutral feedbacks!
I cant believe how they side with buyers all the time now. I used to live on ebay, loved buying and selling but the more expensive the fees got and awful ebay got, i never really do it anymore.
The last message also said not to worry about the trousers, they were work ones and have been replaced. So at least I'm not going to have a big wrangle over them . phew.

Oh and she has offered to take them to the cobblers "if I want her to" to see if they can do anything. wtf ??
The last message also said not to worry about the trousers, they were work ones and have been replaced. So at least I'm not going to have a big wrangle over them . phew.

Oh and she has offered to take them to the cobblers "if I want her to" to see if they can do anything. wtf ??

Just tell her you don't want her to do anything, no cobblers, nothing, until you get the pics through the correct eBay channels. Then you can make an informed decision. Tell her you can't respond to her now unless she uses the eBay email message link. And don't.
The last message also said not to worry about the trousers, they were work ones and have been replaced. So at least I'm not going to have a big wrangle over them . phew.

Oh and she has offered to take them to the cobblers "if I want her to" to see if they can do anything. wtf ??

She is trying g her luck! If I'd bought boots that had melted (never heard such nonsense) I'd send pictures straight away and be asking if you got them? How were the boots like this? Ect! Maybe ask her if she lives in a sauna?
But honestly try and reach ebay as I had similar problem but wanted to cover my back xx

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Well another update, no photos have arrived so I have asked the buyer to return the boots and they have asked me if I will be refunding the cost of the return postage.

As far as Im aware the buyer pays return postage, can anyone else confirm?

They are now no doubt trashing my boots ready for return :(
I think the fact that you've repeatedly asked for photos and she hasn't sent them yet she's replied to ask you to refund her postage speaks volumes. Also the fact she was so worried about her trousers and now she's not.
But I would still push for photos before she sends
The seller is under no obligation, as far as ebay is concerned, to refund return postage. I have had this a couple of times, when the goods were clearly unfit and yet the seller insisted on having their rubbish back before refunding the original p&p plus the cost of the item.

I have had a few problems lately. Had to open a case because an item never arrived. After very patchy communication and broken promises from the seller, she said she coudn't refund because her laptop was broken and she only had a smart phone. I got a terse mail from her almost the instant I opened the case, saying she'd gone to a lot of trouble to get access to another one and now that a case was open she was blocked from refunding - like she was pressing the refund button on paypal the split second I opended the case!?! :rolleyes: She refunded the next day! :D

I have never had the heart to leave negative feedback, however, even though a few have richly deserved it.

Must admit I'm becoming a bit disillusioned with ebay and now, with postage costs hitting the roof since April, I don't feel it's worth selling 'Ordinary' lower cost items. Equally, I've had some fantastic bargain buys, too.
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The seller is under no obligation, as far as ebay is concerned, to refund return postage. I have had this a couple of times, when the goods were clearly unfit and yet the seller insisted on having their rubbish back before refunding the original p&p plus the cost of the item.

I have had a few problems lately. Had to open a case because an item never arrived. After very patchy communication and broken promises from the seller, she said she coudn't refund because her laptop was broken and she only had a smart phone. I got a terse mail from her almost the instant I opened the case, saying she'd gone to a lot of trouble to get access to another one and now that a case was open she was blocked from refunding - like she was pressing the refund button on paypal the split second I opended the case!?! :rolleyes: She refunded the next day! :D

I have never had the heart to leave negative feedback, however, even though a few have richly deserved it.

Must admit I'm becoming a bit disillusioned with ebay and now, with postage costs hitting the roof since April, I don't feel it's worth selling 'Ordinary' lower cost items. Equally, I've had some fantastic bargain buys, though.

They can still leave feedback even though a refund has been made, so i wonder if i should just cough up the £6.20 (already paid once to send the damn things, so annoying) to prevent a negative. in fact could still get a negative anyway. I just dont want to commit myself in a message. Shall i just ignore it and see what happens?
To be honest, I think I'd rather just refund and be done with it. You just don't need all this angst about it, even though it sounds ridiculous. Yes, they can still leave negative feedback - even when they've clearly been having you on. :rolleyes: Really puts you off, doesn't it! x
Listen to this one, just for the laugh! A friend of mine sold someone a little summer top and they complained that it was shrunk, unwearable <definitely not true> and they wanted a refund. My friend asked for it to be returned, knowing this to be the case. Buyer informed her if she wanted it back it would cost £20 p&p, as she'd sent this shrunken rag to her sister in Australia!!! Never heard from her again, needless to say. :wink2:
Can you not refund till she sends it back?
I once sent a purse to someone and it was good condition, but the buyer decided she didn't want it and to me there was a small hole inside the lining.
I knew there wasn't as I always check everything. I refunded and she sent me back the purse and she had ripped the entire insides out!
So anyway what happens if the boots which 'somehow magically melted' in the post come back ruined? Will you take it up with Royal Mail? Cos chances are if they come back ruined there won't be anything you can do, they won't accept liability for it. (Good reason since your buyer ironed the boots as mentioned!!)
Good luck with it all xx
God what a load of grief just so she an save a few quid! Some people make me so angry!

I would defiantly chat to a online advisor through eBay, I found them really good and the eBay lady on the chat even agreed I was in the right. It's all logged and saved onto the account. If they see you are the one trying to sort this problem and she is being uncooperative about sending photos of the "'melted" boots, it may work in your favour. Agree with the other geeks about keeping in within eBay and no personal accounts to.

I really hope she stops being such a hassle for u! X
I've given up with eBay. Sold a load of my beauty salon stuff through them following the closure. The thing is, even when you mark stuff as used and sell it for buttons, people expect it shop perfect. Got sick of it in the end.

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