Well-Known Member
I too am looking for an excellent eyelash extension training course, however i have spoken to WoW (flirties) and they said the training is only 1 day.... please confirm that yours was 2 days as this has put me off a bit.
The training did initially start as 2 days but the second day was for you to come back and be assessed as it is with other companies who offer 2 days,
some didn't like to travel back to the trainer for this and felt they were wasting a day where they could be working,
so we now ask that you email case study photos in, a minimum of 4, if your trainer can see any problems then they will point you in the right direction and if you feel that you would like to go back to your trainer for extra help then this is available too,
as Collin has said, we the trainers are there to help you forever, as long as you need us, hth