I’m using an LED and UV light that’s a two in one arch. It’s the 24w by SunUV. I’ve had great use with it in the past. It works great with all of my builder gels, structure gel, Gelish system products and polishes, and even very cheap gel polish that I’ve ordered online from not-so reputable brands. My past experiences with my light had made me not even think the issues I was having with Polygel could be due to that. What wattage is the one you use currently with the best results?
I’m currently using forms on all my sets (I’m still testing out the product on myself before putting on clients yet) and do have the slight issue where the underside doesn’t cure, however I’ve found that an additional 60 seconds in an led light after first cure can reduce or stop that. I love my shiny undersides with clean forms! My biggest issue is that I’ve found the product to be too soft, and I have to use more product to build up the structure and strength, resulting in bulkier nails. My typical structure that I create with hard gels lasts very well with no snapping of the extension at the edge of the natural nail. However with Polygel that’s not at all the case, and I’m super disappointed. I’d heard such great things from nearly everyone in the community. Any thoughts?