Hi to you all, I really feel for you.
Working for youself takes an age to get the strong regular client base, there are dips in footfall as there are natural fluctuations in our years business. Don't give up , you have worked hard and toiled to have achieved all you have done so far to date.
Putting money aside for the less good weeks is part of being self employed.
I have had the worst 2 months than ever before !!???? and as no one has died or left to live elsewhere in the country I can only put it down to the very late Easter. I had 3 clients today too, but 2 of them had a couple of nails replaced and not a replacement set because they wanted it to last til next friday. Meaning they have had them on for 3 weeks. Not ideal money wise but that's their choice. The money from them comes next friday instead.
Looking at more essential maintenance treatments in beauty has helped me continue to provide the changing needs of a ageing client base. They have a better ,but smaller disposible income for those treatments that they cannot do themselves .
Introducing a pedicure aimed at the elderly client has made a big difference in my strong regular client base. They are easy peasy, no polish just a thorough pamper and ir's regular. ( every 6 weeks or so) These older clients can't get down to their feet so they really need me.
Pedicures have become over the years about nearly a third of my business., especially between march and october . (holiday and feet on show season)
Eyebrows are my second biggest need , any age again....but not your Hd brow , just normal wax, tint, trim. It's a big seller as they have the instant brow lift without the surgery.
Also older clients will come daytime, no late nights, so thats a positive.
I have given talks and demonstrations to the local Womens institute groups. There are 4 in my area and are always happy to have guest speakers or demonstrations. I was terrified, but got to meet a lovely bunch of ladies perfect for my business. Give it a try.
I also have a contact with a podiatrist, and any problem feet go to her for her care.
I hope you all find that now the sun starts to shine you will be able to start making some money without losing your dream. Hang on in there !