My spelling and grammar are far from perfect so i'm scared commenting
I dislike text talk. I find that most of it saves no time at all and most of the words are no shorter, just full of numbers! I'm also not keen on the replacement of s with z on the end of things.
I think most of the time its just cool to do things the wrong way when you're a teenager. I remember using some hideous slang words when i was a teen! When adults do it, it really bothers me.
But, use of the language changes over the years. We all abbreviate with things like I'm, aren't, don't, won't. I'm sure our grandparents or great grandparents would have had something to say about that too! Also, when typing a long message, I think its easy to get in a muddle with a few words and make a few spelling mistakes, sometimes my fingers seem to move quicker than my brain!!!!
My real pet hate, is the use of ROFLMAO or PMSL, even LOL is a struggle for me. They are so over used. Its not often i actually laugh out loud at something i've read on the net, let alone roll on the floor laughing my arse off. Its usually more of a mental chuckle in my head. Maybe i should start using LOTI - laughing on the inside, and see if it takes off!!!
Great thread xxx