Happy place :D


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My beautifull and clever little neice :)
Eating!, putting on make up allways makes me feel better, and my beautifull boyfriend :)
Ohhh and listening to 'Get Rythm' by Johnny Cash literally allways cheers me up :D you cannot listen to that song and be unhappy!
i LOVE digging potatoes. i get great satisfaction out of filling a bucket with spuds. ( we grow our own obviously, i don't go to the shops , with a bucket and a pen knife opening their bags of spuds)
oh and i love lifting the eggs in the morning , lovely generous hens....

Oh, yum-yum.
Do you have new potatoes with a fried egg on top? Or, are you healthy and have it poached?

Had some new Cheshires a couple of weeks ago; the earliest I've ever had. Not my own, had to take out a second mortgage to buy them!
Oh, yum-yum.
Do you have new potatoes with a fried egg on top? Or, are you healthy and have it poached?

Had some new Cheshires a couple of weeks ago; the earliest I've ever had. Not my own, had to take out a second mortgage to buy them!

ha i love a fried egg, beans and mashed spuds all mushed up with a bit of salt and butter. don't know where that meal would be placed on the food pyrimad but to hell with it ... you're a long time dead.:Love:
Today the thing that has made me smile is seeing my friend back on Salon Geek even if it's just for one evening. :cool::Love::wink2: :hug:

And just in case you let that go to your head ... :evil: :smack:

Welcome home Gr8nailz xx
Today the thing that has made me smile is seeing my friend back on Salon Geek even if it's just for one evening. :cool::Love::wink2: :hug:

And just in case you let that go to your head ... :evil: :smack:

Welcome home Gr8nailz xx

You know I'm not an emotional girl, but this did bring a tear to my evil eye. :cry:

Glad to know you :Love: me and miss me, Evil Twin!
You know I'm not an emotional girl, but this did bring a tear to my evil eye. :cry:

Glad to know you :Love: me and miss me, Evil Twin!

Aww :Kissing: who would have thought we'd be publicly hugging and kissing lol lol lol xxxxxxxx
Aww :Kissing: who would have thought we'd be publicly hugging and kissing lol lol lol xxxxxxxx

Like everyone one on SG didn't know you were totally crushing on me! Get over yourself.
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Like everyone one SG didn't know you were totally crushing on me! Get over yourself.

:mad: :evil: :grr: :twisted: :irked:

That's it.

No really that's it!!

:zzz: Bored with you now.

Lovefest! :Love:
Spreading the love!! The precise reason for the thread, keep it up!!!!

Belting out of tune tracks is a hot one for me.

As is Jason Statham and/or Gerard Butler.

Preferably both.
When I have a really crappy day at my current boring office job I come home to my little dog Titch shes a patterdale cross terrier she always knows when Im down and comes to give me puppy cuddles

Then lots of chocolate and a early night and Im as good as new!

Edited to add, of course my husband 2 lol


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That's one cute pup!!

This is what happens when mine give me puppy cuddles...

(and that's over 2 years ago!!)


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She looks like butter wouldnt melt - my husband calls her the devil dog! LOL

wowzers they are some big dogs! lol

Have you seen that info on the news about dangers dogs again etc - this really winds me up I used to have staffys and rottweilers etc and a dangerous dog can be the dog Ive got now or a great big bull dog! the difference is how a person trains the dog! Sorry abit off track but it annoys me!

My Son puts a smile on my face everyday... he's a little Angel (well it goes without saying doesn't it lol?)

I also have the best job in the world, so I :D a lot!
My Son puts a smile on my face everyday... he's a little Angel (well it goes without saying doesn't it lol?)

I also have the best job in the world, so I :D a lot!

I thought I had the best job in the world?! Hmm, I think we all do.

The unmistakable thud of Scratch mag on the mat also slaps a big smile on my face!
My funny friends on here make me :D when I'm blue
My little boy and his funny sayings and statements
Mr Blue Sky by ELO
My husband bringing me flowers

Lots of things :)
It's these little things that count I think :D
A nice cuppa tea after a hard day makes me happy :D (doesn't take a lot) haha

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