Happy place :D


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I need to find my happy place today...I have a horrible feeling its in the bottom of a leftover Easter egg box :D
I might look in one of these too...
My kids laughing

Dogs playing together

Pigeons flying together as a group

A squirrel nibbling an acorn, sitting on his hind legs :Love:

Lots of sunshine

A rare afternoon off with a good book/magazine and lots of cups of tea
My 3 cats and a dog make me happy :) They don't necessarily need to do anything but just them being around me makes me smile and feel relaxed (well, until they start playing up!) :)
My funny friends on here make me :D when I'm blue
My little boy and his funny sayings and statements
Mr Blue Sky by ELO
My husband bringing me flowers

Lots of things :)

Love Mr Blue Sky can't help singing along to it :)
Vicki xx
Hope you also get your "air" violin out too :wink2: :D

I do the actions to " running down the avenue". Lordy if people could see into my kitchen, the men in white coats would be visiting :)
Vicki xx
I do the actions to " running down the avenue". Lordy if people could see into my kitchen, the men in white coats would be visiting :)
Vicki xx

They're too busy trying to sort me out hun, busting some moves always cheers me up. My current fave for this is 'Sexy and I Know It' but when I get to the wiggle bit my cats scarper like there's been a small earthquake, must be all those Easter eggs :D X
I've got into body building.

Training 5 times a week now

Adore it... be pure buzzin after.. love the muscle and feeling of strength
Definitely has to be at the end of everyday when Im tired and get into bed and my partner puts his big arms around me like a bear and I cuddle my head into his gorgeous smelling neck with his chest hairs tickling me. His body is always really warm and mine is always really cold so he warms me up in seconds *sigh* Makes me so happy.
Great thread :)

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Definitely has to be at the end of everyday when Im tired and get into bed and my partner puts his big arms around me like a bear and I cuddle my head into his gorgeous smelling neck with his chest hairs tickling me. His body is always really warm and mine is always really cold so he warms me up in seconds *sigh* Makes me so happy.
Great thread :)

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That's an absolutely gorgeous reply!! I love it when everyone is happy :)
Sugar free caramel soya latte from my fab coffee place. With one of their gigantic homemade pancakes with butter and jam. Hmmmm.

My sons. Just not when they fight and answer back.

Getting into a lovely freshly changed bad. Especially if you are feeling ill. And after a bath.
Oh and the excitement of seeing you other half after months! My ex-husband was army and would go away for up to 5 months at a time.

My current bf (about to make it official this weekend lol) is a deep sea fisherman and has been away just over 2 months and due back Friday.
My boyfriend :) all though we've fell out at the minute and he's not my friend :( he's in the kitchen cooking tea and I'm missing him! Lol x
Awww these are so lovely and have made my day!!

Mines just sitting with my boyfriend watching a film,or fighting over the last piece of chocolate! Just nice for us to sit and not have our heads in phones or computer or stressing about work and spending some real time together..shame it doesnt happen that often :(
Or my one year old neice giving me the most beautiful smile when i walk into the room and coming over and wanting a cuddle...absolutley priceless!! :lol:

Keep these coming...so nice to read when feeling a little rubbish!! xx
These are so lovely to read! And a nice mix of things too :)

Mine are every time I come home my dogs fuss like I've been gone for days, then later in the evening my bf comes in and gives me a huge hug like he's been gone for even longer :)

A very happy home - never taken for granted especially if you've experienced otherwise ;)

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