Well-Known Member
It has arrived in my town.
I am very concerned.
First because I work with the public so A) odds higher of catching it, B) odds are high I'd infect others without knowing if I had it.
Secondly, my sister has a newborn baby which I see OFTEN, just over a week old.
Thirdly, because I am presently on Prednisone (a steroid) which weakens the immune system WHICH was not so great to begin with... so I'm nervous. In my house, when 'we' catch something, I'm usually the one that suffers that worst.. Ex: my hubby's 1wk cold last's 1.5mths for me.
I do NOT think it's foolish to be 'nervous' or 'concerned'. Frankly, I think if you're not nervous, THEN you are foolish. Odds are, you get over it no problem. But what of those that don't? Health is not a laughing matter, and one never knows which way it's going to go.
Take smart precautions as best you can, and think positive. That's about all anyone can do, that hasn't contracted it. Consult local health authorities and do as they suggest. No sense worrying overmuch, because that will just stress you out and gain you nothing. Be proactive.
Oh I don't wish anyone to die from this hun. And I feel for people that are already poorly and could end up with severe problems. Its just the only info seems to be scaremongering rather than saying if your in such a such a catergory i.e. already have health issues then be concerned but everyone else should try not to panick.
Think I will warn people but what started as one or two cases in the news a few months back its now rife.
It just feels like that everyone thinks that if they contract it they automatically have a death sentance. Regular flu we get every year has killed far more people than the swin flu so far but no one talks about that.
I do take heed that this is a big thing for some people, its just the average joe out there is in a mass panick. I rang NHS direct and they said call 999 immediatly thats after it took me an hour to get through as people were calling for advice about seeing some friend that had a friend whos husband hd the flu what should they do sort of calls.
I only rang up to ask them why the doc didnt prescribe us the tamiflu to the rest of us and just b/f. GP had closed and we can never ever get through to them!