Have been asked for a full refund ?


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Ive just done a set of eyelashes for 40 pound, my client was really happy with them and they look lovely!
A couple of days later she text me saying loads had fallen out (I've never had this problem but panicked as I'm still trying to build up clients) so straight away offered her for me to fix it using lighter lashes or refund, she wanted them fixed the next day but kept chnging her mind until eventually she text me an hour before saying she just wants a refund!
I got my mum to go there as she lives near (it was a long way for me to go to be out of pocket) I later spoke to my mum and she said they look absolutly fine!!
This was yesterday and just now I've got a text from the client asking "how to take them off" as they've fallen off one eye and not the other...

I told her she needs them proffessionally removed!
As I feel she was offered for me to correct the issue and and after speaking to my mum feel she should never of had a refund!!
What would everybody else have done? Also do you all have a policy written on your website about refunds? x

Sorry that's so long but it's really knocked me back as I'm very new and would love to know how other people would handle the situation x
Don't commit yourself to ANYTHING until you have seen the problem!

You need to examine the problem and then decide what course of action to take.

I follow this procedure:

If it is clearly my fault I fix the problem or refund if I feel it merits it. I also compensate in some way for the inconvenience (Discount treatment. free mini treatment)

If it is not my fault then I base each case on its own merit and how the customer has responded. But I would never ever refund something that wasn't my fault!

You have to be tough out there as there are people who will take you for a complete ride. Also remember there are genuine people out there as well!
I wouldn't give a refund but if you have to give a gift voucher. But you should deffo see for yourself and if there is a few still on the knee then you could just wax them off. A full refund for just a patch on the knee is a bit extreme.
I'm sorry to say this but there are some people in the world who just try it on. The father of a friend of my ex used to do it in restaurants all the time, used to say things like his meal was "cold" or there was a hair in it, etc, just to get a free meal. He used to do it to building contractors, plumbers etc as well. To make matters worse he was extremely wealthy! There are just these people in the world and and karma will bite them and their terrible attitude in the bum.
Ive just done a set of eyelashes for 40 pound, my client was really happy with them and they look lovely!
A couple of days later she text me saying loads had fallen out (I've never had this problem but panicked as I'm still trying to build up clients) so straight away offered her for me to fix it using lighter lashes or refund, she wanted them fixed the next day but kept chnging her mind until eventually she text me an hour before saying she just wants a refund!
I got my mum to go there as she lives near (it was a long way for me to go to be out of pocket) I later spoke to my mum and she said they look absolutly fine!!
This was yesterday and just now I've got a text from the client asking "how to take them off" as they've fallen off one eye and not the other...

I told her she needs them proffessionally removed!
As I feel she was offered for me to correct the issue and and after speaking to my mum feel she should never of had a refund!!
What would everybody else have done? Also do you all have a policy written on your website about refunds? x

Sorry that's so long but it's really knocked me back as I'm very new and would love to know how other people would handle the situation x

I agree with miss sparkle, this one sounds like a chancer to me!

Don't let it knock your confidence, although I know this can be very difficult. When dealing with the general public you've got to be pretty thick skinned as situations like this will arise every now and then.

For future reference DO NOT under ANY circumstances give a full refund without having seen the 'problem' yourself.

After offering to try and resolve the issue if they insist on having their money back agree and say "no problem, in order to do that I'd need you to come in and have the work that was done removed by myself and then I will refund you the money"

This way it's up to them, make them work for it a bit more. :)

Also this stops the chancers from wandering around with perfectly good work that they've not even paid for!

Don't automatically assume it's something you did either, we're not responsible or in control of what our clients do when they walk out the salon door!

very interesting thread. Im just starting out so i am really pleased that i have seen this this evening and gained some great advise from you all just in case (and i really hope it doesnt!) this happens to me!

On this occassion, my advice would be to put this down to experience. You have given her a refund, which i know you wish you didnt, but you have. So just remind yourself that you have done what she wanted to rectify things so you shouldnt have any negative publicity from it.

You should really have picked up the phone and spoke to her. Tell her that you're very sorry and you'd like her to pop back in asap for you to have a look.

If there are hairs there, apologise, be nice and make her feel as though she's hasn't done anything wrong by complaining (because she hasn't) and tell her that her next leg wax is on you.

If you've left hairs then she has a right to complain and it would be great customer service if you put it right with a smile. Don't give any refund though and make sure you check over before your clients leave.

Don't worry about it and put it down to experience. x
I agree with miss sparkle, this one sounds like a chancer to me!

Don't let it knock your confidence, although I know this can be very difficult. When dealing with the general public you've got to be pretty thick skinned as situations like this will arise every now and then.

For future reference DO NOT under ANY circumstances give a full refund without having seen the 'problem' yourself.

After offering to try and resolve the issue if they insist on having their money back agree and say "no problem, in order to do that I'd need you to come in and have the work that was done removed by myself and then I will refund you the money"

This way it's up to them, make them work for it a bit more. :)

Also this stops the chancers from wandering around with perfectly good work that they've not even paid for!

Don't automatically assume it's something you did either, we're not responsible or in control of what our clients do when they walk out the salon door!


Thank you so much
Good idea about removal before refund I will definatly keep that in mind(although hopefully this wouldn't happen again!)
That really has helped me feel much better!
:) x
I think shes being a bit of a fibber to be honest.
if it was that bad and she was that bothered about it she would have cam in first thing.
i dont think you should give her a full refund, id offer her money off her next treatment, but shes had time enough to come back, or... she could have contacted you and said she was running late.
dont give in :) x x
The client I spoke about earlier "liked" my facebook business page...?! Hmm an unhappy client..
Still a happy client?
Confused! x

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