I've just recently taken delivery of my new minimist Pro and I'm not getting on with it at all. When i used it for the first time the other day there was spray on the compressor unit - just where the hose comes out - 2 large brown spray marks which start not long after the tanning is happening. I have my machine on a unit beside an open window so there is plenty of ventilation there.
I have just sprayed myself and again there are the brown spray marks on the unit which happened not long after I started the tan - also it seems to be spraying erratically.
Can anyone suggest anything - I am really struggling here. have already had to cancel 4 clients as I don't trust this machine. I have worked so hard to build up a good client base for tanning which is all going to go down the tubes if I can't get to the bottom of the problem.:sad:
Any suggestions gratefully received - have attached pics of the problem. (the 2nd pic is of my gun and the hose appears to be kinked - can't get it to straighten out at all and don't want to cut it as it might not fit again).
I previously had the minimist mobile and had absolutely no probs with it at all.
As has been mentioned numerouse times on this thread what you are experiancing problems with is certainly not the machine but mearly one of its location within it's working area.
As I understand it you have a small spray room and one without extraction.
The fitting on the side of the machine (shown in your picture) is the air bleed valve andt it can only have solution comming out if the machine is ingesting airborne overspray.
The machine should be situated as far from the spray booth as is possible and you do need adequate air extraction/purification otherwise you will see a continuation of the problem.
The kink in the clear tube (as shown in your other picture) is simply one that is caused by the fluid reservoir being rotated when tightening.You need to release the locking nut and rotate the reservoir back to eliminate the kink and then relock the nut.
These are all reccomendations I made to you by E mail some weeks ago when you first highlighted your problem.
It also may be well worth you contacting BDS (from whom you made the purchase)if you feel the need for further assistance /instruction on the setting up of this equipment or maybe we can simply clarify everything when we talk later this afternoon as already agreed?
We generally find that machine malfunction is far to often blamed when in fact in most cases it boils down to either lack of ongoing maintenance or initial uncertainty of how newly purchased equipment should be set up and within what enviroment that allows for its proper operation (extraction etc)
hoping this helps and look forward to speaking with you later on today:hug: