Help with friend's feet


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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2010
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My friend has had this foot problem for a while, she's been to the doctors several times but having no luck, can anyone help?
Can I see black dots in some of them?
I would guess they're verrucas. Did the doctor not say what they thought they were?
Everything the doctors had given hasn't worked.... So you think they maybe verrucas then?
They are definitely verrucas. There are a couple of ways to treating them:
One is with a very mild acid especially for verrucas that burns the upper layers of the verrucas and when that dries you cut it off and apply skin cream to help it regrow. This way you slowly bring the verruca to the surface until you can kill the root system. It takes a few months however.

The other way is cut it out with circular low cuts around the spots carefully not to puncture the sack and spread the germ or pus or whatever it's called in english. Until you can see the root system system and cut it off. It doesn't hurt at all. From the looks of it, the second or a combination of both might be what she's been doing wrongly, which is why she has so many tiny dots in the same area. If done correctly this way offers immediate release, and it heals in a few days with skin cream.
I have used both these ways on myself, my parents and my brother, after the doctor showed me how of course.

There is another way with cryo-therapy and when the verruca is dead from the cold you cut it off, but it hasn't done much work for me because I found that the cold couldn't reach down to the root system. Of course I only tried it once and verruca cryo-therapy was new at the time in the pharmacies and perhaps it wasn't very strong or I didn't do it correctly but I thought it was a waste of money so I didn't bother again.

In any case I'd consult with a doctor first to show her the proper way
I think verucas too I don't no if things have changed because I know you can buy things over the counter but when I had one they froze it out it left a hole in my foot about the size of a 5p for a days or so not sure if they still do this was a few years ago x
I put slithers of garlic on mine under plasters, changed daily. It was the only thing that got rid of them. Careful not to let garlic press on healthy skin as it will kill it off
I put slithers of garlic on mine under plasters, changed daily. It was the only thing that got rid of them. Careful not to let garlic press on healthy skin as it will kill it off
Are you getting verrucas confused with vampires??
(Terrible) Joke.
No way that's amazing. And sooo much less intrusive than the sound of other treatments for them! :eek:
Thanks for all your replies [emoji173]️
I put slithers of garlic on mine under plasters, changed daily. It was the only thing that got rid of them. Careful not to let garlic press on healthy skin as it will kill it off
Perhaps vinegar would work as well. It's a mild acid and I know it already works for moles
I had a friend with verrucas about 50 times worse than this. Poor sod. He had them for about 3 years and I said right I'm sorting this out! It took about 3 weekly foot soaks and scrubs with gloves and a pumice stone and for the last week a callus knife (I wasn't in beauty at the time, this was about 10 years ago) because the skin was also growing over the verrucas into calluses, its still the worst and weirdest foot condition I've seen. There was so much skin you would have thought I had peeled a bag of potatoes and I hadn't even got past the hard, dead skin and he didn't feel a thing. His feet were perfectly smooth after and he said it was the first time hes been able to go without socks in years!

If the gels don't work like my friend had trouble with, get her doing home pedicures with a pumice stone and gloves, it will eventually get them out.

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