Well-Known Member
I wear the contacts where you just change them once a month! Amazing! Sometimes i forget I even wear them, no waking up with gritty blurry eyes ( which is what happens if u fall asleep with disposable ones) defiantly recommend them . Again I use the pads of my fingers so I don't scratch my eye out!! Lol xx
I've been a lense wearer for about 10 years now and 3 years ago I switched to continual 30 day wear, like yours. Yes they're fab but if you're like me and a little lazy in cleaning them, then you are more susceptible to infections. More so than daily lenses.
I'm just recovering from an ulcer in my eye, resulting in going to hospital and hourly antibiotics, not to mention the pain 😫
Although they are designed for continual wear, take them out now and to clean them and rest your eyes x