How to tell a friend


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.... I took it as the potential client obviously didn't like being a redhead and was trying her best to change, and that the poster felt for her and wanted to help, not that the poster was passing judgment on redheads... we Hair Geeks love every colour and shade!!
I am NOT a hair geek this is simply an opinion.
I used to have a babysitter many years ago that was a redhead.
I thought she looked very striking tbh but she detested it.
She went down many different ways to be rid of it and now is actually a hairdresser but has very dark hair which I must admit is in lovely condition and does suit her.
Regardless of our natural colour I think we always want to change it at some point and the girl being at school will probably get the usual mockery about her hair.
Kids will find ANY way to get at other kids...sad but true.
Look at some of the stars with gorgeous red hair.....but if you don't feel happy about it then I think the best way to go is to see a pro.
Messing about at home isn't the way to go....remember Sun In?:eek::)


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I'm a natural dark blonde. I personally detest it... ON MYSELF (lots of other peeps look great with blonde) and have been dying my hair varying shades of red and auburn since I was 18.
Recently, more auburn than red.
I shall NEVER return to blonde hair if I can help it, and frankly I think I make a better redhead (even got natural green eyes to match:green:)

I dont think she was poking at redheads or gingerheads.
I think it's a 'slip-up' like is common on forums where our thoughts don't translate well to the written word.
I think she was simply sympathizing with the girl's unhappiness, and not "dissing" her natural hair colour.

As for not wanting to get involved.. I understand too.
One of my friends wanted me to fix "her mess" that she had done to herself and couldn't accept that no matter how I explained, that it couldn't be "fixed" and she was looking to me for a miracle.
I don't have a magic wand.
Cut it off and grow it out, I told her. There really was NO alternative.

Sometimes friends/family look to us for miracles and when we don't deliver NO MATTER HOW MUCH WE EXPLAIN IN ADVANCE, they become annoyed that we don't meet their expectations.
those sorts of peeps, I avoid like the plague.

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