Well-Known Member
ok first things first, new businesses take approx 2 years to get off the ground so dont worry,
stop offering free sets of nails it gets you nowhere! offer discounted nails if you want but you need to at least charge for products used. dont add more treatments until you have a bigger client base and are at least earning regular money.
as a mum you are in a great place, mums at the school.....make sure your nails always look fab and not something plain but something that is eye catching even if just on your ring fingers, then people will notice and you can strike up a conversation and hand your card over
everything else your doing is right you just have to keep plugging away. use this quiet time by doing some nail art colour wheels, keep up the free advertising and once you get a few new clients and they reccommend you you will get busier and busier xxx
I once did a set of lashes on neighbour free of charge hoping she could get me a client or two since she works in a shop.
Well, people were commenting on her lashes and she was telling them that they were done by me... At the same time telling them I had done them on her free of charge!!!
I got so upset that since then I've not done a single thing free of charge. I may give loyalty discounts but noone gets things free of charge any more!
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