Mens waxing?


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That doesnt sound right! If the right products and technique is used you shouldnt have anything other than a bit of discomfort during the treatment (after all we are pulling hair out) but certainly not for two weeks afterwards!
Things unfortuntaly do happen but again if if the skin is burnt or slightly damaged you would only have a few days trouble and not two weeks!
When you say its red raw and sore......has the area not crusted over? ie looks a bit brown maybe or is it blistery? was the wax too warm maybe and / or do you know if there was any oil used on the skin before applying the wax? i know that many clients dont know or pay attention to those things but it might just help us to recomment what to use to heal those areas?
Just want to clarify that last post of mine. When I describe myself as sore, I was bleeding a lot after the treatment and the skin appears to have layers taken off. It is still so obviously red and painful that I'm having trouble even sleeping comfortably and wearinfg fitted clothing. Even though it was my first time I have to presume this isn't normal. I don't think I'll be coming back for more.

No, that's definitely not right! Sounds like extremely poor technique by whoever waxed you. When waxed by an expert using proper technique and quality products, there should be only minimal blood spotting on the occasional hair follicle, and certainly no layers of skin taken off!!!
As Ruth said, bleeding is not normal....sometimes you get a bit of bloodspotting and if the therapist doesnt use enough oil or the wrong products or technique, or the skin is dry etc you can have a layer of skin come off but that would normally crust (look slighly brown just like a burn) and then heal relatively quickly.
In that case i would recommend some antiseptic / antibacterial cream like savlon etc but as your skin seems to be damaged more i would recommend to either see a doctor or maybe go to a pharmacist as they would be able to recommend something to make sure that the wound stays clean and can heal without problems!

I know its painful and horrible for you at the moment but dont let it put you off the treatment just because a therapists doesnt know what she is doing! We have a trainer in North London that also offers treatments and i would be happy to organise something for you to convince you of the benefits and the way it should be done once you are ready to give it a go again? I would hate you being put off by someone who obviously got it wrong....
Have I just answered this on another thread? Anyway.......It shouldn't hurt afterwards at all. Did you call the salon the next day? Go to see your doc as it could become infected after all this time. xx
Just want to clarify that last post of mine. When I describe myself as sore, I was bleeding a lot after the treatment and the skin appears to have layers taken off. It is still so obviously red and painful that I'm having trouble even sleeping comfortably and wearinfg fitted clothing. Even though it was my first time I have to presume this isn't normal. I don't think I'll be coming back for more.

Hi Simon,

OMG! oh no this doesn't sound right. A tiny percentage of treatments have very slight lifting of skin on the scrotum. You describe a horror that should never been! Who was your therapist insured with? Did you complain?

If you're in the area - I'd be more than happy to give you a complimentary session to try to restore your faith in a professional service.

Just give me a bell and remind me about your post on SGeek.

Sincere hopes for your smoother future.

hth? Jason.
You really should go to an expert......somebody that has been doing mens intimate waxing for a long time and specialises in it. Even if they've had specific training, it doesn't automatically make them good. We can all hum a tune, but we're not all gonna be Pavarotti!

You could of course come to me but I'm not free. Why? Because I'm bloody good and you get what you pay for in life. I value my skill (and it is a skill) and most of my clients travel for hours to get to me.......because they value their tackle. I'm not suggesting for one moment that you went to the therapist because they were cheap, but this is often a factor for some people. My advice is that if you can't afford to pay a good waxer, then leave well alone and save up to go to a good one. Look at what you've spent in Savlon alone :).

Also, ask them questions. I've seen websites where you'd think they were experts, when in fact they haven't got a clue and may only wax one man a month (if that). Never believe testimonials on websites as they could be, and often are, made up. Google your chosen waxer and if they're good, you'll find their name mentioned and independent testimonials/reviews on the net.

Make sure they only use HOT wax for your Intimate Waxing. xxx
Thanks for all the advice. I was led to believe she was an expert in her field. I will be more picky if I ever decide to have this done again - at the moment it's unlikely. I'll probably go to the doctors as there's not much improvement still - and invest in some antiseptic cream. Next time my wife wants me to do something for her I'll stick to flowers.
I really feel for you.

I know (I run a hair and beauty salon) that there are guys who are embarrassed to come in to the salon and ask for a haircut, let alone a wax. I had a guy come in the other day asking if we wax mens eyebrows, and I just wanted to say to him "please don't feel silly/embarrassed about this!!!"

And then someone like yourself thinks what the heck, I'll give it a shot, and ends up in the mess you have. I have seen it with hair, I've had a girl come to me with half of her hair burnt off etc...and I often wonder what makes people walk into the salon down the road just cos it looks nice, etc. I understand you took advice on it, though.

Go to Kim. I've been waxed by her, and although I'm not a guy, I've had many a wax, and by God she was the best I've ever had. (Even if she is cheeky to me on Facebook :p)

Good luck, but I wouldn't blame you if you went for chocolates and a night at the cinema to put a smile on your lady's face!
it's not impossible, you just need to know where to look!
I've been approached by a local salon who want to outsource their male waxing, inasmuch as they want to offer it, but their girls won't do it, so they contacted me to work for them for one night a fortnight.
If you look at this link it might help you.
Male Waxing Training

Alternatively, contact Kim or Andy who will be able to put you in touch with their certified male waxers in your area.
hi Lynne,
Do you have any ideas on where to start your waxing/sugaring education then carrea.. I am looking for the training providers , would love to start sugaring and waxing business ( have been thinking about it for at least 3 to 4 years, so the time is right )

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