Active Member
Soooo glad this thread has been bumped up thread EVER!!!!!
Thanks for all your great advice Calla. Its really nice to see you sharing things you've worked hard to research and implement. Here's some great advice I found. I hope this helps you:
 Capture Data
Build a mailing list. This will enable you to target your campaigns more effectively. Collecting the names is the hard part, so give your prospects a reason for them to provide you with their name and address competitions, an emailed newsletter, the promise of advance information and discounts, maybe even a loyalty card. Work at keeping your list accurate and up to date. Try to get hold of email addresses as well as (or even in preference to) landmail contact details: email is cheaper and more versatile than postage.
 Maintaining customer relationships
This is especially important in the service industry. Once you have captured your clients data, use it! Concentrate on customers more than prospects: they will be more valuable to you, both for repeat business and because theyll act as a reference. It is estimated to be up to four times more expensive to attract a new customer than it is to maintain an existing customer. So be personal. Remember birthdays and anniversaries. Say "thank you when they buy (if only by email). Offer them the chance to comment and criticise. Give them special offers not available to anyone else. Make sure they know that your Christmas thank you gift is going to a selected few, and theyre in the group.
 Selling new treatments
Invite your regulars to check out new products or services: they appreciate being treated as special, and you will lower barriers to purchase because the risk associated with trial is lower and they will therefore be more likely to purchase the treatment in the future. Look at their past purchase history if possible, and tailor special promotions to them.
 Cheap and Easy Marketing
Postcards are cheap and easy to produce, especially if you use colour on one side only. They can be mailed to prospects and stacked in help-yourself dispensers. And you can use them for a variety of marketing messages see our new product, gasp at our new prices or our short-term cut-price promotion, enter the competition or the free prize draw (and get two entries if you give us a friends name and address). A reply-paid licence makes it simple for someone to return the card; these are easy and economical to set up with the Post Office.
Hi chaps!
I've just spent a couple of hours sending emails to all the local golf clubs, day nurseries and independent schools offering a gift voucher for their Christmas Fayres/Raffles/Draws.
Given that of the several hundred pounds worth of gift vouchers I have sold only 3 have been redeemed, I decided that it was worth a gamble. It gets my name into even more local venues (I shall drop off a load of flyers when I drop off the gift voucher) and puts me in a good light in the eyes of the local businesses.
Already I have had one of the clubs ring to take me up on the offer!
Remember to keep promoting your business during these straitened times!