Well nothing is going to be said to her from me now, have spoke to another geek and have made this decision.
It wasn't her tutor who i spoke to about the nails it was someone who doesn't know her.
I'm not out to name and shame, my point at the beginning was that when someone has been doing nails for 12 months, i personally expected a better job done.
When i first started doing my beauty training i had very little confidence in my work but over the years it has grown a hugh amount and that is because i always put 100% into ANY treatment i do because at the end of the day that is what i expect from anyone doing treatments for me.
I always try and get feedback from my clients, even now and i do chat to them as to why it is important for me.
I think any good therapist has to build up their clients confidence so that if any problems arise then they can go straight to them, i don't feel like i can do that and that is a shame.
Maybe i can take it more than most but i need people to be honest with me, like you have been and others on here.
So thanks all :hug:
And i hope your hand is feeling better :hug: