Hello, just a quick thaught. I would go with CND I have used both and I love CND and the pink and white are amazing and so easy to use they are just brilliant. BUT I also use nsi, what I use nsi for is the coloured acrylic powders and nail arty stuff. I have a seperate brush for the nsi of cource. Its so handy to be able to buy the coloures individualy. .workes for me, I have a few younger clients who want the neon pinks etc. I would train with CND becuse of the quality and reputation of the products clients recognise this too. NSI is the same to use except you use a primer and it is faster setting, you get a DVD with the acrylic set anyway so you can watch that. I would go with CND all the way, this is totaly unbiased because I work for myself, I dont work for any company etc. There is no law to say you can only use one product line as long as you never, EVER try to mix them together. Your training will be on going what ever you decide to do. It has to be in any profession you constantly update your skills. Hope this is helpful and didnt make it worse lol xxxxxxx
YOUR DOING WHAT I WAS THINKING! May I ask though if you do plain a P+W set with CND and then the client wants some art on top (the P+W being completed by then) dose it affect your insurance them saying that your mixing your product or anything of the like? That the one main thing I'm worried about.
Also is it cost effective for you?