Need help with new client!


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Active Member
Oct 2, 2010
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My best friend has just referred her sister to me as a client.

Her hair at the moment is a weird colour (she was a patchy 6, mixed pinkissimo, capri blue and violette crazy colours up in a bowl - applied it to her head is now a 4/5 very patchy with some areas throwing purple and some areas a bright but deep blue). I am completely baffled with what to do with it.

She wants to go brown and blonde. Her hair is in relatively good condition. I'm thinking bleach-bath it just to lift out some of the colour and then back-to-back foils, half with a 4B and half with 6% bleach. Then wash of the foils and tone the bleached ones, with the desired result at the end around an 8NA.

Do you think this would work? Would you do it differently? Would love some input on this as have never tried to lighten anybodies hair that was a 'wacky' colour before (except for red).
Ahhh pink is easy to get out with a bleach bath its the blue thats a pain it goes some minging greeny blonde colour. Still you can tone it out using opposite colour, but i think you need to get it all the same kindof tone all over the hair to avoid any dodgey bits showing up in patches.
Oooh thankyou. Definitely wouldn't want it to end up greeny!

How would you go about getting it all the same tone? I'm totally mind-boggled by her hair lol.

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