Spray tan, do I need an extractor


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I'm currently mobile and don't use one! It is something I will buy when I got spare funds but for now, I have had no complaints from clients xx
I must also add, I also use a maximist hvlp so for nown I think I'm ok but will however invest in one soon as I'm sure it is def more professional xx
any overspray no matter how minimal is too much. I have yet to see a salon or home based treatment room that doesn't have tan everywhere if they don't have an extractor. Extraction systems are designed to suck in any overspray at all so that it doesn't get into the room, hence why they have filters on them.

It is up to you but most people here seem to say extraction needed and even a geek who said they don't use one said they have tan (although a little bit but again that is too much in my opinion) in the room.

I wonder how many clients or therapists will end up at some point with lung problems through inhaling tan.
Your lungs are designed to filter out anything harmful and we all breathe harmful chemicals daily. I think the high majority of solutions on the market are very natural ingredients and not as dangerous as perhaps walking through the city. Obviously over exposure to anything is never great.

But it is always personal choice. Some people need them and some people don't. The average clients risk having just one tan a week really wont put them at any great health risk.

Your lungs are designed to filter out anything harmful and we all breathe harmful chemicals daily. I think the high majority of solutions on the market are very natural ingredients and not as dangerous as perhaps walking through the city. Obviously over exposure to anything is never great.

But it is always personal choice. Some people need them and some people don't. The average clients risk having just one tan a week really wont put them at any great health risk.


That may well have been said about asbestos at one time.We have a duty of care to ourselves,to our clients as therapists and to our customers as distributors to give good advice about possible long term or even short term effects.
Everythings come down now anyway i spent loads more setting up two years back than anyone can set up now, just get an extractor whats the price of good health.spray tan is not natural the sugar is altered so it becomes a chemical its ok to put on the skin but its never been passed for ingestion or inhalation research it on the net its there to see.
That may well have been said about asbestos at one time.We have a duty of care to ourselves,to our clients as therapists and to our customers as distributors to give good advice about possible long term or even short term effects.
Everythings come down now anyway i spent loads more setting up two years back than anyone can set up now, just get an extractor whats the price of good health.spray tan is not natural the sugar is altered so it becomes a chemical its ok to put on the skin but its never been passed for ingestion or inhalation research it on the net its there to see.

Amen to that missus :hug:
how many people reading this thread,have a fag on the go breathing in harmfull fumes !! this thread is about cleanliness not harmfull chemicals,
I have drunk my solution to prove how safe it is
it tastes s**t but our chemist convinced me there is nothing in it that could do me any harm , but it did send my poo brown lol :lol::lol:
If your technique is correct and you spray close to the skin with the gun set correctly over spray should be minimal.

That said we are in a professional sector and we should provide protection wherever possible to either our clients,ourselves as well as the environment were working in wherever and whenever possible.

Whilst spray tan solution is non toxic we are not fish :eek: and therefore our lungs much prefer to operate breathing in clean dry air.(ok maybe millions of years ago we were fish or was it chickens ?? but we've evolved considerably since then :eek::lol::lol:)

Extract modules are very cheap these days and light and portable so best to do things properly...or at least be seen to do things properly and offer as comfortable as possible treatment to the consumer...they are after all paying customers.

Invest and do it properly because if you dont your competitor sure as dam will :hug:

Colin I spray about 20 clients per week mainly thu,fri. I sometimes spray 6 girls one after the other in same room etc I use a maximist approx 35-40 ml depending, I have to wear mask as I notice a thick scratchy throat as of lately after doing tanning, and also a defiante mist in the air. I am concerned as same with nails when I use my drill the dust particles are finer and more airbourne, I am concerned with being mobile the amount of cost and equipment etc I have to carry. xx
but it did send my poo brown lol :lol::lol:

Far to much infomation now Steve :eek:however it does beg the question.......erm...erm...what colour is it normally then :eek::lol::lol:
how many people reading this thread,have a fag on the go breathing in harmfull fumes !! this thread is about cleanliness not harmfull chemicals,
I have drunk my solution to prove how safe it is
it tastes s**t but our chemist convinced me there is nothing in it that could do me any harm , but it did send my poo brown lol :lol::lol:

:eek: Now that is funny - good one Steve!
Colin I spray about 20 clients per week mainly thu,fri. I sometimes spray 6 girls one after the other in same room etc I use a maximist approx 35-40 ml depending, I have to wear mask as I notice a thick scratchy throat as of lately after doing tanning, and also a defiante mist in the air. I am concerned as same with nails when I use my drill the dust particles are finer and more airbourne, I am concerned with being mobile the amount of cost and equipment etc I have to carry. xx

Whilst most if not all(although I dont know exactly what is in all spray tan solutions as sometimes what is on the label doesnt always match what is inside the bottle)solutions are themselves non toxic its not the ingrediance nesserily that could potentialy be the problem its more the fact that if there is excessive airbourn moisture this can cause problems to some people and cause resporitory problems ...add the fact that there are in many solutions considerable levels of colour guide which will stick to the insides of your wind pipe and possibly lungs if inhaled on a frequent basis.

Lungs,unlike has been mentioned earlier in this posting,are not there to filter and clean the crap we breath in specifically...yes they do this simply because there there but there main function is to process the oxygen we breath in and get it into our blood stream.

A smokers lungs will be covered in tar and therefore wont work as well as someone who doesnt smoke...which is why a smoker will get out of breath quicker than someone who doesnt....the same applies with anything we breath in which coats the lungs and if we are reolistic the initial colour guide in most spray tan solutions will act in the same way in coating the lungs ...in the same way as it coats your skin (probably even more so as I would guess the make up of the lungs is very sponge like and highly obsorbent of this type of product).

It is sensible if you do undertake a lot of spray tans...especially if doing groups that you at least wear a mask to prevent inhalation of what is effectivly liquid make up(colour guide)

Even better invest in an extract module....good grief they dont cost a fortune and it is only professional to at least demonstarte to your clients that as a professional beauty theropist you have the right equipment to make there treatment with you as safe and as comfortable as possible.

You take out the filter after a couple of weeks use and you will be shocked at how gunked up it is...the filter in an extrct module is sponge lik....just like your lungs....only thing is once gunked up you cant remove it,wash it and leave it on the radiator overnite to dry out before poping it back in like you can with an extract module filter :eek:

The health and safety aspects alone should be sufficient to justify the needs of having this equipment...the issue of keeping the working enviroment clean from overspray is simply a secondary issue but none the less a valid one.

When you get into your car you click your seat belt on...by doing so it doesnt mean your going to crash...what it means is that if you would do so at least you have a better chance of not flying through the windscreen.

For goodness sakes lets as professionals offer a safe and clean working enviroment for those that we treat as well as for ourselves.

Sorry rant over but protecting our own and our customers health is paromount for goodness sakes:irked:..

As has been mentioned about smoking a ciggy earlier in this thread...thats one thing and you have every right to clog up your own lungs..but the law..and quiet rightly so ...now provents a smoker from effecting others ..the same should apply with overspray :hug:
Asbestos fibres are present in our environment in the UK anyway so people are exposed to very low levels of fibres on a daily basis. The main factor in the risk of developing an asbestos-related disease is the total number of fibres breathed in. Working on or near damaged asbestos-containing materials or breathing in high levels of asbestos fibres which would be many hundreds of times more than you and I breathe in on a daily basis could increase your chances of getting an asbestos-related disease.

This works the same in anything we breathe in. The more of any damaging chemical/fibre then yes it will probably cause long term problems.

Smoking allows you to inhale Tar which is a thick substance that coats the lungs and airways and gets into arteries. Dust from nail products will be easily inhaled which will irritate the lungs as they are foreign obstacles and not just the chemicals that cause the initial problems. However Coal miners used to breathe in 100's of miligrams of dust daily yet when they died and a post mortem was undertaken only 40 miligrams was ever detected, proving the lungs filtered most of it away.

Your lungs act as a complex air exchanger or living air purifier. Like the chemical vapor absorbing materials found in the best air purifiers such as carbon your lungs are "designed" or "evolved" to filter out the smallest of gas, dust and other foreign particles.

I am not saying 'DON'T' buy an extractor, but exposing your self or your client to overspray on a small level will cause very little harm unless you have underlying medical conditions. I much prefer to work with my gun lower to prevent overspray as it saves me money in the long run than seeing all my profits sucked into the back of an extraction unit. If you have a large client base and you are experiencing overspray then yes buy one.

As the owner of a spray tan company I would much prefer everyone to have an extraction unit as the sales of the units alone plus all the solution waste that gets sucked into the back of it equals more sales for me YAY!! LOL!

I don't however recommend drinking it - especially those of us that sell Alcohol free products LOL!!! :eek: If you did drink it there is little it will do like steve states than make your poo go brown!! I now know why we don't see white dog poo anymore haha!!

white dog poo !! yeh what was that all about :irked: it vanished in the early 80s and if dogs still did white poo you would be less likely to stand in it on dark nights lol
our westies (white highland terriers) are brown !! they love the taste of our solution they lick the tents clean and sleep inside them its all over there coats , people are always asking us what breed they are lol
Hahaha i can tell you why you dont see white dog poo, dog food used to contain ash to bulk out the wet food which when dogs poo'd and it dries out the ash turned it white. The dog food industry became regulated back in the 80's and ash was removed from the food, hence we no longer see white dog poo LOL! Completly off topic and completly irrelevant to the thread but a nice bit of useless info for anyone at a dinner party :/


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