Hi there
I just wanted to say that I have just done my training with fake back at home and I thought they were fab. it cost 499 for everything - pop up tent, machine and gun, sticky feet, flyers, price lists and other various leaflets to hand out as well as 1 of every product in the retail range oh and 2 bottles (one original and one dark) spray tan solution.
We did go through the retail products on training briefly but I think this is quite an important aspect as your clients will need to maintain their tans by using moisturises and exfoliators and if you can sell products to your customers as well you will earn yourself quite a few extra pennies!
I have been spraying friends and family at a discounted cost to get some practise in but dont think I would advertise to a new client that I had just started.
I did enquirer with st tropez about spray tanning but they wanted in the thousands to start up (which seemed like a lot of money when Fake Bake could get you started up to 500)
Fake Bake and St Tropez in my opinion are two of the most recognised fake tanning names out there and this helps as they can to an extent sell themselves.
I can see what you are saying here but it is not only important for to get customers but also that we keep them too. People may have heard about certain brands but it doesnt mean that clients would want to come back for them.
St Tropez is available in Boots - not so sure i'd want my clients going there to but their retail items.