THANKS!!!:hug::green: Sorry it was so long... lol but I had remembered a debate of some time ago, where peeps had told me some of those things, and they've stuck in my head all that time....
Umm where to start LOL
I have noticed that tips do curve. And we can tighten the curve by pinching acrylic. But, if the client has flattish nails, what is considered 'better' and why? Because if you fit the form to 'follow' the curvature of their own nail.. while there may be some curve, I haven't seen flattish nails sculpted look as curved as tipped nails. Or maybe I'm not pinching the form enough? (I pinch it to a point at the end).
So, when we say it's 'better' to tip sometimes, why exactly? What's different?
Well I never pinch the acrylic as you put it. I BUILD the curve in by creating a spine or backbone down the center of the product I apply and keeping it thinner at the sides. It's not amatter of being better to tip .. it is amatter of it being easier to tip.
Now I'm confused. (no surprise there :lol
We always enhance. What do you mean by 'enhance'? I usually try to improve the look of the nail, but if the nails are flattish to begin with, I don't try to give them a c-curve that isn't there. The point is to be natural, including the differences. No?
You have the choice. You don't always enhance the look just by applying an overlay. If I had flat nails I would prefer to have them look more curved myself. I would always add more curve to a clients 'look' unless she specifically requested me not to, if she had flat nails. Flat nails aren't pretty ... I make pretty. It might be natural for someone to have flat or ski jump nails, by natural I would mean enhance them to look naturally perfectly shaped.
That's what I thought too! Just, I was parroting what was said to me. THANKS for clearing that up.:hug:
Ok, so having said all of that (I'm sorry.... I'm being a PITA here:o)
What then, would the criteria be to decide one way or the other, and 'specifically'.
Example: In other words, you prefer to tip biters by saddling..
Why? Why is it better than say creating a free edge, then slipping a form under it OR just going straight to the form?
I would choose a tip here becasue it is easier and faster for ME to get the look I want and it is immaterial to the client how I do that because one does NOT last longer thanthe other and one method is not BETTER than the other. They are equal as long as the result is good, strong and lasts and is sttractive. I decide by what is easiest and quickest for me .. there isn't a BETTER.
What sort of list of criteria could one use to say "Yay" to tips or "Nay"?
answered above.
(do you still love me? lol)