Treatment room size


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Active Member
Sep 25, 2003
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Hi everyone, I am currently looking at taking over a salon within a hotel. I am quite keen except the size of the treatment rooms is very small, much smaller than I am used to. I dont want my clients to feel claustrophobic and I want to be sure I can work in the space. Does anyone else work in very small treatment rooms, and if so how does it work? I have heard of therapists who worked in rooms with the couch against the wall which doesnt seem very practical, but it must be possible to make it work.

The size of the rooms are 6ft by 9ft, and considering most couches are 6ft by 2 ft Im not sure how there would be room for much else. Does anyone have any suggestions? Is there special compact furniture etc that anyone can recommend? This particular salon has been occupied before so they obviously made it work somehow.

Help greatly appreciated!

My treatment room is larger than 6'9" (it's triangular shaped), however I still manage to cram quite a lot into it.
I've got bathroom wall cabinets (from Ikea) and use them as floor cupboards, so that they're only about 8" deep. I've also got white shelves & cupboards quite high up on the wall for storage, and they aren't too obvious.
I've got my hot towel cabi tucked under the head of my couch and need to do a strange bend/twist & slide-down-the-wall movement to get it open:rolleyes:
Maybe you could source a static couch with cupboard/shelf space below it.
Or, maybe look at a joiner making a base for one specially to fit the room.
Sometimes small rooms can feel 'cosy' but I've seen a mirror somewhere which looked like a bowed window and thought that it helped give the illusion of space.
The usual light colours, clean lines and no clutter all go without saying too.
Thanks for your advice Angela. I'm thinking that the place I am looking at is do-able, just needs to be carefully thought out with regards to furniture etc. Any one else got any thoughts on this?
I think my room is 6ft by 13 and that is quite small (Especially with the amount of stuff ive got!) I was going to move to another salon with a room that was 6 by 9 and I knew straight away it was to small for me I don't like to be squashed or feel claustrophobic !!

I have been to a couple of salons that have the couch against the wall and I must admit I didn't like them at all. Have had awful experiences with eyebrow waxing when couch set this way, admittably it could be the therapists technique but they always seem to rip wax strip off at wrong angle (probably as they are leaning across you) also how on earth would you do a full body massage with couch against wall ?

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