Unhappy client wanting part refund...help!


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Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2009
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My own little bubble
Hi Geeks,
I've just had an email from a client I done on Tuesday and I'm really surprised and little upset by it. Would appreciate some advice and feedback on what to do.

The client asked for a full head colour of about a shade 8/0. She is naturally a 7/0 ish and had an old colour left on the ends although it was hardly there. After many, many emails back and fourth I said as she has colour I will need to do a strand test and also I advised to have a full head tint on all over can be quite an extreme change and the results will be a trial and error situation so I advised she have some natural highlights put throughout also to break up the colours and to help as it would most probably take on different sections of her hair differently.

I turn up to do the strand test and skin test, she has loads of hair....I went along on tuesday and did it, it took me absolutely ages and 2 tubes of tint to do all of her hair, my arms were failing off. I cut blow-dried and ghd'd her hair. The end result of the colour came out probably more like a 8/0-9/0? more on the 9 side I'd say, I agreed with her that yes it had come out lighter than the strand test but also that the lengths faded more into the 8/0-7/0...again as discussed and shown with the strand test.

It did actually look really nice just a bit lighter and more intense than she thought it would be, the highlights complimented the colour, it basically looked like she was naturally bloned with some highlights, admitly the ends were a little brassy in places but that was how the strand test came out. She said to me its lighter than i thought and i wanted it more like the strand test which to me looked more brassy and dark, i thought she'd be happy that it came out brighter.

Anyway I said just leave a few days, the bleach and the tint is fresh it will settle in a few days to a week...also thinking of the shock factor, vie now had an email and it's upset me bait as she's pretty much slating all my hard work, quoting NOT what i asked for, NOT what i was expecting, i cannot live with this etc etc. And because she's a student she wants a part refund.

Its really sole distorting as I spent so much time and effort on her, running around doing strand tests, buying more product and making a special trip to my suppliers, I spent literally 2 hours alone just doing her colour.

But i suppose at the end of the day in her eyes i done a rubbish job, she's not happy and wants some money back...what do i do now? I don't think i'd be happy or comfortable to try and go around to do something alternative, I mentioned some low lights at the time if she hated it that much but in this email she's stated she will be dying again and not in the area again for a while....it really is times like this when I think why bother making so much effort with people... :cry:
Hey Hun, we all have clients like this that you will never ever please in life and they will prob do the same to the next hairdresser to get it done for free! If it was me I'd offer to go an correct rather than give money back! But don't worry we all get these clients, u aren't on ur own babe xxxxxx
Do not give her any money back!! Offer to rectify....so what if she's a student? I'm a business owner I get nothing discounted!! This really annoys me!

Did you tell her the strand test is darker than the actual colour will turn out ?
Offer to tone it down but do not offer a refund. Refunding just makes it look like you were at fault and have no confidence in your work. If its too light, pop a quasi over the highlights a shade or so darker. If she doesnt want you to do this, its obviously not as bad as she says is it?
I agree with all of the above. I've just been to rectify a colour tonight, I had a new client for a regrowth tint and she's very dark naturally (5-4) she want about a 6 so I used a 7 with 20vol and it lifted to about an 8! Eeek I just re-did it for her free of charge, she insisted on paying (was quite embarrassing in the end) so we went halves ;)

Usually when people want a refund it's more to do with the price than the product! Tell her as its something you can fix there is no need for a refund and wouldn't she prefer her hair to be perfected by you rather than attempt it herself?
Like above said no refunds without attempting to rectify it. Now it's lighter it will give a more accurate result when darkening so tell her that you do not refund, but are willing to alter the results free of charge. This way if she refuses you to fix it then no refund.

A student?!? We've all been there ad done that, we all struggled for money, we still had to pay full whack! F**k being a student, ask her does the spar do student discount on cigarettes or beer? If they do then give her a discount. Xoxo
I agree with all of the above. I've just been to rectify a colour tonight, I had a new client for a regrowth tint and she's very dark naturally (5-4) she want about a 6 so I used a 7 with 20vol and it lifted to about an 8! Eeek I just re-did it for her free of charge, she insisted on paying (was quite embarrassing in the end) so we went halves ;)

Usually when people want a refund it's more to do with the price than the product! Tell her as its something you can fix there is no need for a refund and wouldn't she prefer her hair to be perfected by you rather than attempt it herself?

Why was this hun I've heard a few people do their colouring like this, is it just whatvyouvwere taught?
Dont refund as sounds like u have explained evreything and done your very best ! Wat r some people like just no pleaseing some!
Thats the only thing I dont like about being mobile is not having someone to back u up and u have to go on your own judgement.x

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I hate these situations, thank god they don't come up too often but my god it really does knock me overtime :(

I was thinking about emailing her and explaining my side how I done everything in my power and tried really hard but as i told her it is trial and error and i did say to her we wont know exactly what it looks until its done.
I also think snout just giving her some back for a quiet life and to keep it simple but now I don't see why i should...maybe if she gets really nasty and is constantly on my back I may have to :S

I begin to doubt myself in the end, i couldn't sleep last night thinking about, did i do it correctly? did i not explain all the pros and cons to her? but i did....I just worry if i do get a chance to go back what if the correction i do goes wrong as well...I would have thought just to put a 8/81 semi over it al to take out any brassiness but then that could make the blonder bits appear even brighter couldn't it?

Im not sure an all over colour would do the trick for her?I personally would say to her a few darker lowlights throughout otherwise she'll end up with being back to her natural and that wont be right...oh god see i cant even think straight....i hate ppl like this :( the nasty little comments after i worked my a** off!!

Oh and yeah the tudent bit p***ed me off too, what about all of us self employed or business owners...were certainly not made of the stuff and were working the hardest to try and make ends meet!! Grrrr!!
Just to add to the above...vie just gone back and looked at the pictures she emailed mr of the colour she wanted and its actually spot on to those!

She sent me 3 pic, one was a full head 8/0 the next was Kate Moss in that picture it looks to be build up of bleach highlights and the third is kate Winslet which again is a bright blonde...9/0-10/0? So actually she got that shade straight up. I explained it probably wouldn't get that light but it did almost so surely thats better as i got the impression she wanted it lighter? Im wondering if its the shock factor or a case of her just not liking it now its done.

Maybe i should suggest silver shampoo if its the brassiness thats the problem or if its the brightness then to go back and try to correct by either lowlight (that already apparently wont be enough..her words) or put over a light brown semi....??

Also i have just read the email again and she is saying she will not be in bath for a while and needs something done asap...if she's that upset about it i understand that she'd want it sorted asap but now that leaves me a bit powerless to do any correcting if this is true? She has basically said that she wants a part refund as she needs to re-dye it in such a short time again and i should foot part of the bill as i done her hair wrong, thats the long and short of it....what and how do i word a decent reply????
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Just to add to the above...vie just gone back and looked at the pictures she emailed mr of the colour she wanted and its actually spot on to those!

She sent me 3 pic, one was a full head 8/0 the next was Kate Moss in that picture it looks to be build up of bleach highlights and the third is kate Winslet which again is a bright blonde...9/0-10/0? So actually she got that shade straight up. I explained it probably wouldn't get that light but it did almost so surely thats better as i got the impression she wanted it lighter? Im wondering if its the shock factor or a case of her just not liking it now its done.

Maybe i should suggest silver shampoo if its the brassiness thats the problem or if its the brightness then to go back and try to correct by either lowlight (that already apparently wont be enough..her words) or put over a light brown semi....??

Also i have just read the email again and she is saying she will not be in bath for a while and needs something done asap...if she's that upset about it i understand that she'd want it sorted asap but now that leaves me a bit powerless to do any correcting if this is true? She has basically said that she wants a part refund as she needs to re-dye it in such a short time again and i should foot part of the bill as i done her hair wrong, thats the long and short of it....what and how do i word a decent reply????

Just say....

I'm sorry you feel you cannot wait for me to rectify the issue for you but as I've offered to rectify free of charge I will not be offering any form of refund as I used 2 tubes of colour and my hourly rate on top would leave me out of pocket. As I'm sure you are aware times are heard and I still have to live, if you'd like me to rectify your colour in the next week don't hesitate to contact me after this time I will be charging full price.

But that's just what I'd put!!
Personally i suggest that her trying to rectify the situation herself got her in this trouble in the first place!......

i dont get why you choose to engage in emails back and forth for consultaions. It has allowed this client to say things that she may not have had confidence to say. Id seriously rethink how you choose to speak to clients, bit harsh but i wouldnt be going back on forth on what shade i had in stock to a client. (it makes the client assume you dont have clients regular for that particular shade)

If you feel it need a toner this is £xx price to client and from the outset everyones hair is different. I would have recommended so silver shampoo regardless....Always up sell!

I think my words to the OP are a bit harsh, but you werent expecting this and you need to be tough enough to hear this! Good Luck xoxo
Ok just sent an email back saying I am more than happy to rectify the issue free of charge and for her to contact me and i'll do it within the week.
Ive said after looking back at the pictures she sent me it is actually at that shade and if its just a case of some brassiness i have told her to get some silver shampoo first as this may well do the job itself with no more colouring needed. I went onto say that it is probably just a case of having an ash toner put through her hair then I said but if its the shade that your not happy with now then lowlights or a brown semi...vie apologised and said im sorry that your not happy but unfortunately no refunds are given until a correction has been attempted....phew.

Im quite worried i'll get a mean email back but i hope she works with me on this.

God i hate these situations!

wonderwoman, I understand what your saying with emails and I agree but I find now so many of my clients only correspond with me through texts and emails, i think they find it easier than taking time out for a phone call...i don't know but I always take a whole load of colours with me to my clients and my shade chart...but this particular clients I went around, discussed the colours whilst doing a skin test and a strand test, so everything was clear.

Im concerned she will attempt this herself if she hasn't already and thats why I've actually mentioned what I would do but thats her choice if she wishes to do so...I guess see what happens when I get an email back :S :S
Ok just sent an email back saying I am more than happy to rectify the issue free of charge and for her to contact me and i'll do it within the week.
Ive said after looking back at the pictures she sent me it is actually at that shade and if its just a case of some brassiness i have told her to get some silver shampoo first as this may well do the job itself with no more colouring needed. I went onto say that it is probably just a case of having an ash toner put through her hair then I said but if its the shade that your not happy with now then lowlights or a brown semi...vie apologised and said im sorry that your not happy but unfortunately no refunds are given until a correction has been attempted....phew.

Im quite worried i'll get a mean email back but i hope she works with me on this.

God i hate these situations!

wonderwoman, I understand what your saying with emails and I agree but I find now so many of my clients only correspond with me through texts and emails, i think they find it easier than taking time out for a phone call...i don't know but I always take a whole load of colours with me to my clients and my shade chart...but this particular clients I went around, discussed the colours whilst doing a skin test and a strand test, so everything was clear.

Im concerned she will attempt this herself if she hasn't already and thats why I've actually mentioned what I would do but thats her choice if she wishes to do so...I guess see what happens when I get an email back :S :S

Never say sorry your not happy that's because that's like admitting your wrong, always say I'm say you feel this way about your colour!

I understand not every1 is good with things like this but never back down, show weakness or admit your wrong to the client!
Agreed it can show them some weakness sometime.
My reply would have been:
In response to your previous email, I don't give refunds or have a student discount scheme in place, with this being the case I am willing to rectify any problems you have free of charge within the next 7 days providing you no not use any colour product on it yourself or by another stylist. Please call me on xxx and I will be more than happy to arrange a follow up appointment where we can go through anything you aren't happy with. Thank you for your custom xxx

That to me isn't rude, points out that because she's a student dosent mean anything, and offers to fix it of she dosent like it.

After re reading, I think she just wants some money in her pocket, why only part payment?!? If it's to cover the cost of her box colour then is £2.50 enough for her?!?

I'd say she probably likes it, but has run out of money so is asking for it back to cover a night out (otherwise she would ask for a full refund) xoxo
Why was this hun I've heard a few people do their colouring like this, is it just whatvyouvwere taught?

I was thinking same thing blue rinse.I generally tend to be the opposite and drop in 1/2 a shade deeper/darker to get the coverage.
Yep totally agreed, i am the first to admit that I am useless at wording these things and i either go too far one way appearing i don't care or too far the other way like a walk over. I think I may take it too personally swell, i feel like a failure, a fraud hairdresser, its ridiculous how it affects my confidence.

I need to work on this, how can i run my own little business if i near a stall to pieces when stuff like this happens....touch wood it doesn't often happen but i need to sort myself out and get prepared.

Whilst were on the subject, does anyone else find that the general clientelle has changed of late? I experiencing a lot of clients wanting miracles but only wanting to pay peanuts for it, they seem more difficult...maybe it is me, just wondering though.

Yes that's what I thought i think its more about the money than anything else, I feel she will but a box colour and out it on, I hope she doesn't but a nasty cheap one that is going to turn her roots khaki and then be on to me, I think I'll giver her just 2 days to get back to me, anything after that I think she would have tampered with it and Im not touching it if thats the case.
Why was this hun I've heard a few people do their colouring like this, is it just whatvyouvwere taught?

New client Blue, told me her hair usually goes really dark, which she didn't like so I eared on the side of caution, should have trusted my instinct grrr but hey ho all perfect now ;)

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