Violence in London


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I hope all this is awful, they should be locked up
Thank you, Chez, for sharing.

Oh my. Isn't it amazing? Looting and riots over such a tragedy. I'll never understand people. Distruction of the very neighborhoods they live in, the neighborhood businesses they frequent and destroying the trust of the community. :'(

Google Broadwater Farm riots and the murder of PC Keith Blakelock. Happened in 1985 from memory.
Couldnt agree more!

Maybe somewhere in the middle. You never want to get as hardcore as the U.S. Somewhere in the middle...yes.

I'm so sorry for you all.
It's an absolute disgrace. I am sick to the stomach with it all. I don't feel safe to go into Bromley just in case... It certainly is idiots taking advantage of a situation and being thieves. I can't wait for this all to stop. I just feel so sorry for the guy who was shot's family!

I would love to know why they're doing it in different counties...I have a strange feeling it's some sort of conspiracy against a) the police and b) anyone who isn't in on it...x
sod the riot police... they need to give there mums the battons and send them out there to beat them!
Some of the thugs are so young! Its scares me to think my little boy is growing up in this world! I know you can't wrap them up in cotton wool but a ten year old should not be out this late never mind doing the things they are doing! I really feel for anyone who has or will suffer at the hands of these awful people!
sod the riot police... they need to give there mums the battons and send them out there to beat them!

if only it were that easy great idea tho x

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Google Broadwater Farm riots and the murder of PC Keith Blakelock. Happened in 1985 from memory.

Thanks, Zo Zo. I'll take a look right now.
My closest friend lives 5minutes from tottenham, I asked how she was

"last night was the worst for round here, there was a helicopter going round all night, half the market is smashed to bits, they robbed the local tesco while the staff were still there, its disgusting, I had to get the train through hackney tonight after work, I was petrified"

Nobody should have to live like this in this day and age.

not to mention the children/ spectators... why would you be there! I think all who are on the streets should be classed as involved and held responsible. If they dont want to be held accountable that way then they should not be there.
sod the riot police... they need to give there mums the battons and send them out there to beat them!

Sorry, but if they had decent mums (or dads) they wouldn't be out there fighting the police and smashing up their neighbourhoods in the first place.
Sorry, but if they had decent mums (or dads) they wouldn't be out there fighting the police and smashing up their neighbourhoods in the first place.

There is a saying...the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Just seen one of the front pages for a paper tomorrow with a headline "mobs rule" is it just me that thinks we shouldn't be giving these "mobs" this kind of publicity. Yes print the stories but with a headline like this surely it's only giving encouragement!
Do you guys have an equivalent to the U.S.'s national guard to come in and kick some a**?! OMG, I've been watching BBC news and you guys are at critical mass over there! The violence, looting and vandalism is spreading to other areas. It's crazy. Something needs to be done and NOW.
I dont know if they are an equivelant to your national guard, but I think our army will go in soon.
My brother is in the parachute regiment and says he's just waiting for the call to go in and help.
They need to get the army in!!! don't understand,what are they waiting for??:evil: It's so sad,people are losing their livelihood :sad:
Heya Geeks,

Anyone in the affected areas be safe and vigilant!
Also i read in the sun ins children as young as 7 involved in true that is remains to be seen but honestly its discusting!


Sorry, but if they had decent mums (or dads) they wouldn't be out there fighting the police and smashing up their neighbourhoods in the first place.
I know , trust me I know more than most, and way more than i can say!
I also know that in that area with the local mentality the parents do not have that much controle, you need to rember .... its the harringay area.. think victora clumbea and baby P , same area ..... that area even socail services have NO power or scence.......

Mark duggons parrents are friends of my familly,
I grew up and went to school there in wood green and thottenam , my familly still live there,
I was small (5 years old) but there at brodwater farm, I rember it well,
and its always shadowed the area,
Please, please, please be safe all of you in the area and surrounding areas. PLEASE!

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