Website help thread


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Hi Geeks, not sure if this is the right place to post this question but here goes. I am in the process of re-designing my website. My website I have now I have spent a long time optimising and it now appears highly in google rankings and has been bringing me a fair amount of business. The feedback I have had is that the website has good content but looks a bit amateur (which I did kind of know already). I don't know if anybody will know the answer but if upload my new website to my current domain will it harm my Google ranking? Should I upload it on a seperate domain and still run my current website until my new one moves up the Goggle ranking? Help,I really don't know what to do.

Thanks in advance.
Baggybear, if you can build pages in Frontpage it only takes a few more steps to upload and control your own site. Basically find a web hosting company who offers 'frontpage extensions' - you can probably find space for between £30 to £50 per year. The web hosting company will give you a username and password. Click upload in frontpage, a box will come up and you type in your domain name and then another box will come up asking for your username and password so you put that in and then the site uploads.

I don't know how much you know about frontpage, but a good idea is to go through all the menu options and just see what they are - its all quite straightforward. And with frontpage the website will be very 'html' which google likes, so optimising and getting the site high is a bit easier. If you need any help at all just message me - I am very happy to help you.

I have moved on to web expression now but have to say I much prefer frontpage.

A general point, I have seen links mentioned in terms of getting high in google - I don't do links at all and have found that it doesnt really affect my sites. A few good one way links are good if you can get them (very hard), but two way ones generally cancel each other out I believe. I am not a professional at this -but these are my thoughts on it.
Hi Geeks, not sure if this is the right place to post this question but here goes. I am in the process of re-designing my website. My website I have now I have spent a long time optimising and it now appears highly in google rankings and has been bringing me a fair amount of business. The feedback I have had is that the website has good content but looks a bit amateur (which I did kind of know already). I don't know if anybody will know the answer but if upload my new website to my current domain will it harm my Google ranking? Should I upload it on a seperate domain and still run my current website until my new one moves up the Goggle ranking? Help,I really don't know what to do.

Thanks in advance.

Ruth Mills is possibly your best shout with this one

Can we see your website ?
Hi, sorry I hadn't checked this thread in a few days. Yeah my website is Any thoughts are very welcome.
does anyone know any sites you can get free sites from each one i have tried once you put all details in they then ask for card details x
does anyone know any sites you can get free sites from each one i have tried once you put all details in they then ask for card details x

google "Weebley"

I've also just launched my website so if anyone could have a quick look and give some feedback that would be fantastic! Thanks!

It is all to do with SEO honey, you probably have all the answers now but keep going with it and it will be back up there before you know it xx
Hi Geeks, not sure if this is the right place to post this question but here goes. I am in the process of re-designing my website. My website I have now I have spent a long time optimising and it now appears highly in google rankings and has been bringing me a fair amount of business. The feedback I have had is that the website has good content but looks a bit amateur (which I did kind of know already). I don't know if anybody will know the answer but if upload my new website to my current domain will it harm my Google ranking? Should I upload it on a seperate domain and still run my current website until my new one moves up the Goggle ranking? Help,I really don't know what to do.

Thanks in advance.

Hi Stephanie,

Generally, ranking is determined by the number, and quality of backlinks for your pages -of which you've got quite a few :)
So, re-designing it will not hurt (in fact, changing site content always "bumps" your site's ranking); however, breaking the structure might.
For example, if there are links point to eg. /About-Me.php ,and in your new design, the "About me" page moves to /About-Me.html, the original links will be broken, and you'll rank lower.
Generally, there are two ways how you can work around this:
-Either use the same URLs as in your current site, or
-Set up a so-called "redirect" from the old pages to it's corresponding new ones.

Both of these will work.
On a sidenote, it looks to me, that all of the external links are pointing to the homepage of your site, so there's really no need to worry about this too much :)

Hope this helps,
I'm in a position where someone is now using my company name after two years. Stupidly I never secured the domain name as I used a free website and have which has served me well but I now think I need to secure the name and a domain. Can anyone tell me what it the best domain to use. I obviously now cannot use the but don't understand what is the difference anyway. Any advice greatly appreciated. Thanks
If you don't want people accidentally going to the wrong place you buy all the donains that they may type in while looking for you.

For example if I was looking for a business I knew was called 'shades' then i would try,,, until I found what I was looking for.

It wouldn't be great if there was 2 people both in the area doing the same thing, using the same domain name with just .com or being the difference as clients might type the wrong ending and find a site but not realise this isn't the site they were looking for.

So if is gone then I would be looking to buy all the other endings and pointing them all at my site so there is more chance of a client finding me and not finding a competitor by accident. I'd also be checking regularly to see if becomes free so I could buy that too at the first chance I got.

Domain names are not that expensive to buy and I think the small investment could get you quite a bit of business.
Thanks so much for the advice. I'd better get started!
Before you go off buying think about what your clients would put in their search.

So if they might search for:
spray tanning 'your area'
waxing 'your area'
mobile beauty 'your area'
or your business name & area

These may pull up other domain names that would point more clients your way. I have spray tanning 'my area' as it was available and is something I would expect potential clients to search for if they didn't already know of me as a business.

You need to think like a client when you buy domain names. 'Your,business, may be gone but is what you do and your area available?

You don't have to change the website address from what it is already, you can just add all the other domains in the background to point clients to your site.

Have a really good think about how you would look for a service you offer, what would you search for, you may know the business name when you start searching - you may not.
Ok geeks! Apart from the spelling, and back ground picture :eek: Give me advice! (wont be going live for a week or so)
I'm curious about this myself b/c I don't know how or what makes people rank on the first page of google.

I assumed you have to keep searching your site and get others to search your site often to give google the idea it is high in demand and so they list it at the top??

I typed in 'spray tan basildon' and you're listing at the top with 'Local Business results for spray tan near Basildson UK'. But you're actual web site 'about-tan' still wasn't appearing by page 12...

A websites performance in Google depends on a few things, and unfortunately it's not down to how much search volume a website receives. Otherwise all the big sites would be ranking top constantly and it would be impossible for new ones to break through ;)

Essentially, it comes down to on site SEO, and off site SEO. Onsite SEO includes content, how well your site is optimised towards your targeted keywords, website load time, that kind of thing. Off site SEO is basically how many other websites are linking to yours, known as backlinks. The more backlinks you have the better, but these must be of high quality. For example, if I were to go ahead and make a blogspot blog in 5 minutes, and add a link to my website, I would see 0 benefit. If I got a link from BBC news in one of their stories, I would see a huge benefit, because it is a high quality website with high Page Rank.

I'm trying to explain this in a basic way, but please don't hesitate to ask any questions. I have been working in and currently work in the SEO industry for a while, and stumbled upon this forum while helping a friend of mine rank her mobile hair technician site.
I think you need to have lots of links to other sites on your site tomove up the list. Google hates dead end, so if it cant get anywhere from your site it wont like it!
I just wrote a very long post on the biz forum about topics being covered here and then I found this thread so I deleted that post and will detail it here.

So here I am trying to get my local hair salon website to rank better. Site is Heather AnnZ Salon - Hair Salon in Fargo ND. I have been working on this for the last month or two and I will detail what I have learned.

Everyone says content is king create great content and you will slowly move to the top of the list. I think this is partly ture. You need something for visitors to your website to do. Creating a blog is a good way to get visitors to stick around for a while once they find your site. There still is the issue of finding them. Of the few blog posts that I have written some of them are ranking on the first page of google under certain search tearms and generating some traffic to my site. But not the traffic that I want

Backlink from quality websites, ok this does make a lot of sense a back link is like a vote for your website. From what I understand google actually account for the content on the site the the link is located on. So If I create account on a gardening forum and a car fourm and link back to my website those links wont count for as much because they are from a non related website even though they are highly ranked. And good luck getting another highy rank salon in your market to link back to your site. They are your direct competitor.

So what is the solution, the solution that I think will work the best and help everyone is to share some guest posts between some of our non competing salon websites. You write something for my blog and I link back to your website and at the same time I write something for your blog and you link back to my website. This will be a link to our sites from a related source and at the same time will develop more content for each of our websites.

Thoughts? Anyone want to participate?

I'm curious about this myself b/c I don't know how or what makes people rank on the first page of google.

I assumed you have to keep searching your site and get others to search your site often to give google the idea it is high in demand and so they list it at the top??

I typed in 'spray tan basildon' and you're listing at the top with 'Local Business results for spray tan near Basildson UK'. But you're actual web site 'about-tan' still wasn't appearing by page 12...

I will start by explaining the basics of SEO by a number of experiments I have personally been trying from a vtc tutorial I was going through, basically searching on google (the best to use IMO, though largely abstract searching like 'bounced mail (insert reason here for my mail servers reason for the bounced lol)' but then when it comes to say domain searching I went my name then various (what I call identifying keyword search terms).

Like I put my actual city/town location in say 2 days after my site went up online (my new slightly changed wordpress theme lol based on twenty eleven) was about maybe 3 or 5th in t he list of results thought hmmm wonder if I can improve that installed an all in one seo plugin for wordpress (can't tbh remember if that's the genuine name for it or not) put in those search keywords) and now im basically at least 2nd in the list of results so further up.

It's all about (with disregard to the wrong page being up or whatever) just a case of being firstly playing around with keywords that you want to highlight, say like I was doing a 30 day trial on web hosting (not doing any spamming here because I am not lol offering that at all here, I cant afford it) but say I was right? Why not say web, hosting, 30 days as your keywords in that article in your meta tags?

Hope this helps someone hugely!

This is a fantastic point ultimately what gives you much higher search index rankings (what really it's called on a somewhat techie sense):
Backlink from quality websites, ok this does make a lot of sense a back link is like a vote for your website. From what I understand google actually account for the content on the site the the link is located on. So If I create account on a gardening forum and a car fourm and link back to my website those links wont count for as much because they are from a non related website even though they are highly ranked. And good luck getting another highy rank salon in your market to link back to your site. They are your direct competitor.

That's the ultimate reason why people get the higher rankings, I was reading through a guide as to what makes googles search indexing work (or in a theoretical sense), actually forgotten its site name but to be honest (with no offence to anyone in this forum) I couldn't understand it and if I am a techie myself (self confessed one at that), then what's the hope for some on here? LOL

I mean the robot crawler (actually written in Python) is a very small but crucial component of how google finds sites and then that feeds into about 7-9 other (some bigger) components to make googles search engine work. It's really quite interesting stuff nonetheless though I didn't understand it all lol. But in all fairness they were just explaining how they think google would do what they do, there's no one saying on that research thats how they actually did that and this backs up my previous point (before the quoted text) its just a case of playing around with search terms (keywords) like my name plus my location in that particular example its my location thats t he keyword.

I hate the people that con others into thinking they need to pay for keyword terms or something that promises you to be added to the google search engine at all, or anything remotely related to SEO, fair enough if it's a kind of entirely different service to what you've been offered by a development company but... I mean (in the context of paying for search terms/keywords) they're only as good as what you are actually using or paying for rather, I mean get the wrong search terms googles not interested in how good your keywords are, they're there for nothing but profit. If you got the wrong search terms you might aswell take that money and either flush it down the toilet or put it down the drain outside your home whatever.

Actually research someone did in 2007, paying for marketing with google on search keywords only amounted to at the very most 30% of actual finalised sales from searching using when you pay google for it. Really there's very little point when you can probably do it yourself firstly for free and then get a much bigger margin. (coming from my ecommerce experience that though).

I can't remember if it was actually 30% in all fairness but it wasn't as much as I thought it would be, it's why people should not be concentrating on paying for search term marketing it's just a waste of time IMO.

Hope this helps some people (or some people?) in some way, I apologise for this lengthy post but I just don't like seeing people waste their time on things that sometimes don't simply work, it's great if say paying google for those search terms actually works for those people but it's only very limited and that's my point I am making.

All the best and good luck to people.

PS On a final note as it were, googles niche is exactly that, they started off from a research project idea at Harvard, in the idea of linking all these resources on the web at the time together, to allow people to find things easier on the web (least that's what I seem to remember them saying google started from), it ultimately became their niche as a market.
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Can anyone give me a rough idea how much it should cost to get my website built? My father in law has made a start at doing it but to be honest its not going too well so I think I need to pay someone to do it.

if you'd rather not say how much you paid on here could you pm me please.

Sarah xxx
Can anyone give me a rough idea how much it should cost to get my website built? My father in law has made a start at doing it but to be honest its not going too well so I think I need to pay someone to do it.

if you'd rather not say how much you paid on here could you pm me please.

Sarah xxx

Anywhere from 150-500. Depends what you want it to do.

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