Guys, you are going off on a tangent here. This thread is not primarily about linking to The Geek site or LND, I'm sure both sites will survive nicely without any additional help. This thread is about improving your own sites. One of the steps to doing this is making sure your links page can be found by the search engines. If your links page cannot be found by the search engines, it doesnt matter who you link to (every single one of your links is worthless) I know this sounds harsh.... but it's true. I'm sure everyone here has come across a webring before, right? Well, this is your chance to organise your own totally nails-related webring, it's ready made by you and your fellow nail techs, the search engines pick up on it, and all of a sudden, all of your nail websites are seen as important nail websites on the net..... PROVIDING THEY ARE ALL LINKED UP!!!!!!! and I mean linked up PROPERLY. If your links page doesnt show up in the simulator, you
are not linking to anybody. However, it's even worse than that, if your links page is not being found by the search engines, it normally follows on from that that none of your internal pages are being found either. So as far as the search engines are concerned, your home page is your only page.
Lell, I'm afraid that your site's internal pages arent being picked up at the moment.
Joanne, your site is perfect, all pages are showing up.
------- Regarding your clients coming on here and seeing you ask for help. I dont see that as a problem, its more like Fiona says that you want to do things the correct way, ie by improving your knowledge and/or techniques in accordance with industry standards, where better to do that than here, and if it doesnt seem right to be seeking help in here from other nail techs, how come there's hundreds doing it in here every single day? Personally, I think its very refreshing to see even experienced techs requesting assistance. Regarding giving out personal info on this or indeed on any site, dont do it.... EVER. Forget about having links to Geek on your own websites, that wont be the problem. Your client could simply be doing a search for anything 'nails' and the Geek site will come up in the results, more than likely before most other nail sites, if you've written something disparaging about someone, and they can identify themselves, you've only yourself to blame. -----------
Can we concentrate on just the linking aspect for now guys, so that I know at least that you understand what I'm talking about.