5:2/The Fast Diet?


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As I said maybe the 5:2 will be the answer to you not putting too much weight on after this bout and it could possibly even sort you out as the body goes into repair mode when fasting.

You will have to consume more calories on the 5 feast days though or your not going to shock your body out of starvation mode & into repair mode.

Is there nothing you have found that you can eat lots of without flaring up (I know eating lots of the same thing can be REALLY boring but kickstarting your body out of starvation mode is important as eating so little for long periods can cause other health problems that you don't need to add to your situation).
Ahh thank you so much for your reply. You make so much sense. It's not any particular food setting it off as I have been allergy tested and know what I can't eat (dairy, wheat, cocoa etc). They think it might be bacterial related so are going to take biopsies. You are correct that I do put on weight after a bad bout and then can't shift it. Such a vicious circle as I have so many flare ups my body is obviously holding onto the fat as it knows I'm likely to go into starvation mode again soon. Really don't know how to tackle this weight gain as they've said there's no cure for IBS and all the meds they've given me haven't worked :(

Hi waffle I feel for you as I've had this problem for years. Dr have given meds and they don't work. I try having fibre in my breakkie, veg etc.

I find when I'm constipated I can't eat either, I'll have one meal and I'm full for the day, but not weight loss. I can only eat once my system is clear.

I've started having this Chinese green tea, which is working wonders to clear my system. I don't follow the 3 cups a day, just one at bedtime and I'm clear the next day.

Hope this helps! ImageUploadedBySalonGeek1391953177.272142.jpg

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Oh Waffle it must be awful for you. I suffered ibs for years. Thank god I have it under control now. I have been looking into leptin lately it's really interesting and helps explain why you may not be burning fat. If you go on you tube and search for it there are lots of interesting videos. But in short leptin is your fat burning hormone and it can get messed up with various diets etc and if your not producing enough you will not burn fat. It could be worth you looking into. But firstly concentrate on getting better.

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Thank you everyone for all the advice and suggestions, you're all so lovely. Baggybear the only thing I can eat when I'm having really bad flare ups is m&s chicken breast in gluten free crumb but I can only really keep 1 down not 2 (come in a pack of 2). I'm hoping that it will start to subside in a few weeks and then I can start eating again, albeit my "safe" foods. Gonna try all your suggestions and to everyone else suffering from this horrible illness I wish you all much luck too. Sorry if I hijacked the thread but you all seem to know what you're talking about!
Thank you xxx
Sooooo it's been pretty quiet round here...

How are we all doing? ;)

2 weeks ago I put on 3 lbs after a veeeery naughty weekend. Felt like I could celebrate after hitting my stone haha ;) so... I lost the 3lb last week. Then this week I lost another 2lb

So so far I've lost 16lbs in just over a month. Very chuffed ;) but after what I've eaten tonight?! Those 2lbs will be going back on and i'll have to lose them again haha xxxx

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Well done, I'm not feeling 100% yet but can't wait to get back doing it!
Doing fitness app till I am well enough xxx
I'm down to just 1 fast a week as I'm still nit losing and NRI feeling great at the moment so not eating much on feast days anyway. X

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Well done, I'm not feeling 100% yet but can't wait to get back doing it!
Doing fitness app till I am well enough xxx

I'm down to just 1 fast a week as I'm still nit losing and NRI feeling great at the moment so not eating much on feast days anyway. X

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Oh no :( hope you're both feeling better soon xxx big hugs xxx

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I'm still here and plodding along.

I was going to fast on Monday and then accidentally eat a custard cream, my youngest son had hot chocolate & custard creams for breakfast before a Drs appointment and left one on the table - so I came in the room after the Drs appointment & taking him to school & I ate it :o totally forgot I was supposed to be fasting.

Did a fast on Tuesday & that went well.

Was then due to fast on Thurday BUT woke with a headache behind my eye (these headaches usually turn into a migrane if I am not careful) so I took tablets and ate to try & relieve the headache.

I had arranged to see a mate on Fri so knew I couldn't fast on Fri. Have the kids home today and so will be dishing out sweet, treats and food all day so fasting today would be tourture.

Going out for a Valentines meal tomorrow as other half works every other day of the week so can't fast tomorrow either.

Back to fasting on Mon & fingers crossed nothing else decided to get in the way.
So it's fast day again & weigh day too.

Was sad to see I've put 1 lb on but am thinking it's probably to do with both catching ANOTHER cold & only doing 1 fast day last week.

Have had a few wobbles today where I've almost eaten, I've been tempted by sweets, biscuits & the yummy smelling pizza that is cooking now for the kids tea :cry:.

Not even looked at what I have here for my meal later as I think I might just get tempted into eating now. Fasting with a cold is hard as I just want to eat loads of sweet stuff & stodgy filling foods. Really looking forward to a good old feast day tomorrow.
So it's fast day again & weigh day too.

Was sad to see I've put 1 lb on but am thinking it's probably to do with both catching ANOTHER cold & only doing 1 fast day last week.

Have had a few wobbles today where I've almost eaten, I've been tempted by sweets, biscuits & the yummy smelling pizza that is cooking now for the kids tea :cry:.

Not even looked at what I have here for my meal later as I think I might just get tempted into eating now. Fasting with a cold is hard as I just want to eat loads of sweet stuff & stodgy filling foods. Really looking forward to a good old feast day tomorrow.

Ah bags, you don't half seem to be catching loads of colds, it's not coz you're run down coz of this fasting lark is it? Hope you feel better soon x
I've only had 2 colds but they were about 2 weeks apart. Let's just hope that this cold doesn't linger too long.

Managed my fast & just had sweet & sour chicken & rice.

Looking forward to a feast day tomorrow.
I've only had 2 colds but they were about 2 weeks apart. Let's just hope that this cold doesn't linger too long.

Managed my fast & just had sweet & sour chicken & rice.

Looking forward to a feast day tomorrow.

I'm looking forward to feast day tomorrow. Reason 1) it's coming up to that time of the month and I'm aaaaalways hungry lol
Reason 2) I made home made shortbread yesterday


And feast day today..... why would I do that?! Hahahaha ;) (probably a good thing really lol)

Don't think I'll weigh this week depending on if aunt flow pays me a visit or not. As I'm always 2-3lb heavier then! B!tch lol.
Not the same for you Baggybear is it hun?
If not, who cares... it's only 1lb. I put 3lb on over a weekend the other week haha xxx

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I'm on Depo so don't get actual monthly's but I do suffer the mood swings and so it could possibly be aunt flo's fault I suppose.

Off to bed now to dream about all the yummy food I can have tomorrow. Night all. xxx
Oh no :( hope you're both feeling better soon xxx big hugs xxx

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Getting there, was getting over foot op then had blinkkin cold which won't go!
I'm hoping next week when kids back I'll get back into it.
I need to do something as I keep baking and eating to much! Xx
Getting there, was getting over foot op then had blinkkin cold which won't go!
I'm hoping next week when kids back I'll get back into it.
I need to do something as I keep baking and eating to much! Xx

Oh no :( these colds ate awful at the moment aren't they! Hope you're feeling better soon hun. Just wait until you're totally better before you attempt anything ;)
How's the foot hun? Xxx

Sent from my GT-I9505 using SalonGeek mobile app
Oh no :( these colds ate awful at the moment aren't they! Hope you're feeling better soon hun. Just wait until you're totally better before you attempt anything ;)
How's the foot hun? Xxx

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On the mend but can't get my shoe on still! Have to wear my uggs! Not feeling very glam that's for sure!! Xxx
On the mend but can't get my shoe on still! Have to wear my uggs! Not feeling very glam that's for sure!! Xxx

Ps and thanks for asking 😊xx
Ps and thanks for asking 😊xx

Oh Lila hope you can get rid of this cold and back in your shoes soon. I'm trying desperately to avoid these colds, if I catch one they won't do my op in 2 weeks. X

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Oh Lila hope you can get rid of this cold and back in your shoes soon. I'm trying desperately to avoid these colds, if I catch one they won't do my op in 2 weeks. X

Sent from my ST23i using SalonGeek mobile app

Ah no bet your scared to go out! Are you taking anything to help your immune system, hope your ok and manage to avoid. Xxx

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