I am quite surprised you have said this,my friend has this couch and its solid as anything,indeed I have one that looks far more flimsey and costs less at £99.00.Yet I do a very deep massage,elbows and all and I have never had any problems.I used to do a lot as well until my accident.
These couches undergo stringent tests that are carried out before the beauty/massage couches are sold. You would have to be damned strong and have an extremely heavy person to so much as cause a twinge in these couches.They are built for their purpose,they are not about to just fall to pieces,30 hrs of massage or 100 hrs.Think about the implications of any couch collapsing...dosn't bear thinking about.
Sorry but I think we underestimate ourselves sometimes or possibly over estimate ourselves,I would hope any massage/beauty couch could withstand the pressure or they wouldn't be allowed to be sold
Not meaning to cause offense of course just stating a fact.:green: