Book worms.... what are you reading???


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RedAdmiral said:
Always wanted to read Nostradamus' predictions, How is the book? Is it hard to read or take in?

Oh and I'm raging now - how could I have said that I liked anything over A HandMaids Tale? I thank the day Mrs Patchett recommended that to me for A-Level!! What a read for Women, Saw the film too!! must blow the dust off that one tonight!!

Hi RedAdmiral

"Nostradamus 2003 - 2025 - A History Of The Future" by Peter Lorie

It's not terribly difficult to get into, it's written in quite a down-to-earth style, rather than trying to be bafflingly intellectual. Of course, most of what Nostradamus wrote is very much open to interpretation, but the book includes comments by modern authors, scientists, economy experts etc, and gives a lot of information on Nostradmus' life and methods.

I'm only 39 pages in so far but it's really quite gripping.

Hope that helps :)

Cheers will order that today as I doubt its in stock!!!

The charity shops a good idea - where does everyone else get their books? I really should join the library but...........I like to keep 'em!! Got into trouble when I was 10 with the Borough as I forgot to bring back a few books - didnt think they'd notice!!!
I am a real bookworm and will read absolutely anything I can get my hands on - loved The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons. My favourite author is Angela Carter Nights At The Circus is something else.

At the mo I am reading The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. It is a fantastic book set in the beautiful city of Barcelona. It has so many twists to the tale it just keeps you guessing from one page to the next - brill!!!!
RedAdmiral said:
The charity shops a good idea - where does everyone else get their books? I really should join the library but...........I like to keep 'em!! Got into trouble when I was 10 with the Borough as I forgot to bring back a few books - didnt think they'd notice!!!

Hi Red Admiral - Oxfam always seem to have a great selection of books - usually the bigger shops near colleges and Uni's and they only charge one price £1.99 for any fiction title.
RedAdmiral said:
Cheers will order that today as I doubt its in stock!!!

The charity shops a good idea - where does everyone else get their books? I really should join the library but...........I like to keep 'em!! Got into trouble when I was 10 with the Borough as I forgot to bring back a few books - didnt think they'd notice!!!

Hi again

If you have trouble getting hold of it and can wait a while (probably a week) I don't mind sending it over to you? I would like it back though, as it covers the next 20 years it would be good to keep and refer to every time something major happens to see if it was predicted!

Kind regards,

I started reading the Da Vinci Code last Thursday and literally did not put it down until I finished it on Sunday evening! Am I right in thinking that Angels and Demons is the prequel to the Da Vinci Code?

I love reading when I get a chance to, I find it so much more relaxing than watching the telly, but my other half is a complete telly addict so its hard to get the peace and quiet when he’s around!

Jo x
i have just finished "sickened" by julie gregory and have just started robbie williams feel
i mainly get my books from supermarket when i do my weekly shop.
JackieMc said:
I have 'The Fiery Cross' by Diana Gabaldon, ready to read, I've had it for AGES now, but because it's the last one so far, I don't want to read it until there's another one to follow it....... (please let there be another one!)

The cross stitch series of books by Diana Gabaldon (cross Stitch, dragon fly in amber, voyager, drums of autumn, the fiery cross) are MY ALL TIME FAVOURITES. Jackie - you MUST read these in the right order...i am eagerly awaiting the publication of the latest one - a breathe of snow and ashes.

I am just Sooooo in lurve with Jamie Frazer....
dur...jackie - just noted you have read them in the right order as your holding off till there's another one. It'll be out soon - already published in Germany.

Try Lord John & the Private Matter also by DG to tide you over. Same characters but different storyline
joannerowsell said:
i have just finished "sickened" by julie gregory and have just started robbie williams feel
i mainly get my books from supermarket when i do my weekly shop.

Hiya, I have read Sickened to, brill book now i am on Little Prisoner by Jane Elliott, if you liked (well you know what i mean) sickened you will like (you know what i mean again) The little Prisoner.

Right now Im reading the Daily Mail, lol! .... ooh! smacked pandies :rolleyes:
Actually Ive just started reading 'Touching From A Distance' written by the wife of Ian Curtis (Joy Division).
Some great recommendations here though!
RedAdmiral said:
Always wanted to read Nostradamus' predictions, How is the book? Is it hard to read or take in?

I have to say that i read The Complete Phrophesies and thought it was amazing, really blew me away

I love the books by Patricia Cornwell and Martina Cole and James Patterson and John Grisham. But right now I am reading a book with a GREAT title .. never heard of the author but had to get it for the title and I'm reeally enjoying it. Its called ...

As you're leaving anyway ... take out the trash!! :lol:
I Must get that!
Thanks so much Vodka Babe If you dont mind I'd love a little read and I'll take the best care of it!!! Pretty spooky eh? reading about what could happen
amberrose said:
Hiya, I have read Sickened to, brill book now i am on Little Prisoner by Jane Elliott, if you liked (well you know what i mean) sickened you will like (you know what i mean again) The little Prisoner.

i will have a look for it,
Just finished The Last Juror by John Grisham and now started The Time Travellers Wife - my mate lent it to me and said it was one of the best books that she has read in years. I have then got a stack of about 30 books by the side of my bed to start on - Dean Koontz --- James Patterson -- Patricia Cornwell and a host of others. Just wish I could find a bit more time to read!!!
I am reading Sea Glass by Anita Shreave its an old romantic story set in the war.

Its fab!
Just finished The Murder Room by PD James, Therapy by Jonathan Kellerman and Aphrodite by Russell Andrews. Aphrodite was ace, also read Gideon and Icarus by the same author.

I LOVE Patricia Cornwell, I wanted to be a forensic pathologist so I just devour these. I want Kay Scarpettas job!

Also read The Handmaids Tale for A level Eng Lit - also thought it was fab.

Read The Da Vinci code a few months back, took a couple of chapters to get into it but soon hooked - it was excellent.

Read The Children of Men by PD James last year, that was a goodie too, not her usual thing. Set in the future when the entire world populations children of the last 20 odd years have been infertile, pretty thought provoking!

A Child called IT - read all 3 in about 4 days. Don't think I've ever cried so much but absolutely compelling. That guy is such an inspiration, to go through all that and not turn out bitter and twisted.

If you like thriller, Mark Billingham is another good one - read one a few years back, the title escapes me now. You read the back but doesn't do the story justice, it doesn't even hint on how twisted (as in gross) the story gets. Will have to look up which one it was...

Oh, and then there's Val McDermid - hers are great books too, but you gotta wonder at how her mind works; good job she's a writer, she'd make one twisted criminal!
I have just finished reading Me and My Shadows by Lorna Luft (Judy Garlands Daughter), its her biog about growing up with Judy and Liza. I met Lorna on a few occasions when she was staying in London at the hotel I worked at and when she did her book launch she gave me a signed copy. I am now reading The Bible Code and cant put it down.David
I'm currently reading The Time Travellers Wife - finding it a bit hard to get into, but only a chapter in...

Favourite books (that I can think of!)

Man and boy & Man and wife - Tony Parsons - real tear jerkers...

Generation X - Douglas Copeland

American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis - have just ordered a few more of his from Amazon...

The Celestine prophecy - James Redfield (very thought provoking)

Any Lewis Carroll book - still love them at the ripe old age of 25!

Chocolat - can't remember the author - beautiful book, beautiful film - both equally good (which is a first for me, I normally love one and hate the other!)

This is a great idea for a thread too! :lol:

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