Book worms.... what are you reading???


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Krissy G said:
Hiya Jackie,

'Woman in White'....highly recommend it, I read it years (about 10!) ago for 'A' Level English Lit, but now you have reminded me I think a re-read will be in order.

Thanks Krissy, you've made my mind up, I'll make sure to buy it. Started 'Angels and Demons' last night whilst drinking my cocoa (middle age setting in methinks! LOL) - very good so far, so recommend it to DaVinci Code fans.
Losing My Virginity by Richard Branson and Cashflow Quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki. I'm into learning about financial freedom and wealth at the moment. :)
ValencianNails said:
I'm reading Martina Cole's Goodnight Lady, I'm addicted to her books, they are gritty, hard, powerful and totally amazing reads. Some of them require a strong stomach as some of the topics covered can be quite hard to read but once you've read the first page there's no going back.

Mee too Sandi,

I have read them all and just waiting for her latest to be released on paperback.
naturalnails said:
Mee too Sandi,

I have read them all and just waiting for her latest to be released on paperback.

Martina Cole is fantastic... her stories are so hard hitting... I reckon she's been a part of all her stories in some way!!!!
Man! all ya geekios are book worms too :)
ive just finished My Legendary Girlfriend by Mike Gale... it was an okay book..... dunno what im gonna read next.... nt that im gonna have much time read over this weekend and next week.... leaving work on firday.... excel....and starting in my new a busy bee at the mo... but its all coolio :cool: v excited :)

I'm reading two books and I look at nail magazines and catalogues everyday

Marriage and Sexuality by Dr James Dobson


wait for it, wait for it



Alot of you are thinking boring, why the bible

Well I'am a christian so its spiritual food but the old testament actually reads like a novel (they are actual events) but its filled with things we find shocking

for example homosexuality, rape, incest, concubines, deception, adultery, bloodshed, murder, revenge, curses, witchcraft, human sacrifice, slavery, women eating their children, wars, famines, riches, envy, lust, gangbangs, and everything that we see on tv now has been in the bible.

Its not all doom and gloom
song of solomon is mostly about falling in love, getting married and the sexual union, psalms beautiful prayers and poems and worship, hosea a book discribing a man who took a prostitiute as a wife and though she committed adultery several times and had bastard children he loved her unconditionally and took her back a parallel of Gods love towards us who have turned our backs on him
but all stories ever imagined or conceived I bet their roots are found in the bible.

But the best part is when Jesus willingly went to the cross as a human sacrifice so we would be forgiven for all our sins

how I love the Lord he is my everything

I'm not a bible basher but I do like to share my faith and experiences with others

God Bless
Hi Chemine,

I know what you mean! I'm by no means religious (born a catholic but agnostic now), but from time to time I have a peek at the bible online and it's fascinating stuff! I must admit I read it mainly to find discrepancies between what I was taught as a child in a catholic school/church and what is actually written in the bible, sure is an eye opener. But I'm not meaning any disrespect to your (or anyone else's) faith, so I won't go down that particular road!

And like you said - it can be a bit gory at times eh? :)
especially for samuel.. angels & demons was fantastic!
i've moved straight onto the digital fortress, which i neally finised on tues as we had soooo many delays on the way back from milan! but thats another story!
i bought 3 of dan browns books while i was at new york airport a few weeks ago, as they are a few pounds cheaper in the us than in the uk.
liza x
After finishing the da vinci code I read Shopaholic & Sister (Sophie Kinsella) v v v funny I love these books, then FAme Fatale and The Wives of Bath by Wendy Holden....very funny.
I have got Goodbye Jimmy Choo (Annie SAnders) next.....

CLare x
My Amazing Granny God Bless Her! Only really read one book her whole life and that was the Bible. I have read certain parts mainly the book of Ruth.

I too like Sparklepink have just finished a few books and have nothing at the mo'. There is a book by Neil Jordan called Shade that is set in Drogheda near me about a suicide in the Boyne river (which happens every week!) might get that - I'm not too fussed as on Sunday I'm gonna be buying Marian Newmans 2nd edition!!!! and I'm gonna try and get her to sign it!!!!!
I've never been able to get into books at all & recently finished the only book I've not been able to put down - Diary of a C List Celeb by Paul Hendy. Ha! It's so funny & was even funnier when Anthea Turner was pictured reading it, ha ha. Can't actually wait to start reading it again! :lol:

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