My message to you all is Stay strong lovelies.
Business is so tough and you will be given lemons at times but as the saying goes you've got to find a way to make lemonade.
I'd love to say the following to you,
* never let your standards slip just because those around you may not be upholding your strong ethics. Set the standard/be the standard and get your team on board. Does your team know what is expected of them. I've printed up a "charter" and each team member has to, on starting with us (in a fun way but it's there none the less) swear to act in the XXX salon code - it makes everyone feel on the same page and know what's expected
* put complaint procedures in place. When a complaint is made (e.g. The social media one you mentioned) Fill out a complaint form, put it to your therapist/stylist in question and discover where she went wrong (is more training needed)
Come to a resolution with your therapist and then try to make it better for your client. This really helped me to not take it so personally. Prior to that I could not help but feel they were slagging off my child!
Filing the form (after speaking to the client and coming to a resolution) helps me literally put the issue to bed coz you know the very next day will bribg its own problems
When I'm having a tough day I'll often call my dad, an amazing businessman who gives me so much encouragement and strength. It's great
Never lose the passion that you have for the industry, your team will find it infectious.
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