For All You Big Brother Fans - THE OFFICIAL Celebrity BB thread


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I agree here, i haven't been watching alot but i do agree this is the main reason, Shilpa is a very attractive woman with a extremely successful career who wouldn't be a bit green?? its all childish to me and it has really put me right off, hence not watching so much i think they are out of order and i am 100% against the bullying tactics, not sure about the racism so wont comment, but there is definitely no excuse for their behavior and i hope they get their comeuppance! as they say what goes around........

:hug: :hug:

Maybe not only jealousy, but the fact that she is so dignified and intelligent and mature and those 3 just don't know how to handle someone who can speak with words longer than 2 syllables, say them properly AND know what they mean ... and I doubt English is even her first language. The term thick as sh*t is all I can link to the 3 planks!

Bur look the whole racial abuse thing has created more posts than this thread has in days, so I think proves that it is all a ruse to get people to watch the show! But then I'm an old cynic!
there is no more bullying going on now than there has been in past bb with "normal people" there is only uproar because it is celebritys, shilpa is not toaly blameless, non of them are
i totaly agree with them about the chicken being raw, it was, i also agree shilpa should not be touching the food on other peoples plates, its disgusting and i would have slaped her if she had done it to my food, nothing to do with race or colour but everything to do with manners
yes there is a lot of bitching but there always is, a lot of people have jumped on the "racism" band wagon as they have nothing better to do, the police feel they have to look in to it as they need to look like they are doing something
jade is common, always has been always will be, its what has made her famous, she cant change the way she speeks
danielle is just a sheep following the others and jo is just handeling things in a way she knows how, the big problem people seem to have is that the 3 have not let shilpa in to there group,
shilpa has her own issues, look at the shoping list incident, why could she not just go along with the others and choose what she wanted with her £5
this garbage about racism realy does my head in, :irked:

Nicely said hun!!!!
there is no more bullying going on now than there has been in past bb with "normal people" there is only uproar because it is celebritys, shilpa is not toaly blameless, non of them are
i totaly agree with them about the chicken being raw, it was, i also agree shilpa should not be touching the food on other peoples plates, its disgusting and i would have slaped her if she had done it to my food, nothing to do with race or colour but everything to do with manners
yes there is a lot of bitching but there always is, a lot of people have jumped on the "racism" band wagon as they have nothing better to do, the police feel they have to look in to it as they need to look like they are doing something
jade is common, always has been always will be, its what has made her famous, she cant change the way she speeks
danielle is just a sheep following the others and jo is just handeling things in a way she knows how, the big problem people seem to have is that the 3 have not let shilpa in to there group,
shilpa has her own issues, look at the shoping list incident, why could she not just go along with the others and choose what she wanted with her £5
this garbage about racism realy does my head in, :irked:

I agree with alot here...
Did you see WHY the chicken didnt cook properly? because none of them read the cooker instructions and it was on GRILL not OVEN.
Jade and Danielle found this out but never once told Shilpa or appologised for putting it on the wrong setting.

Picking at food IS manners.. but in the Indian culture thats how they eat,, and an acceptance of culture arises here.

Jumping on the BAND WAGON about this Racism nonsense is EXACTLY the best way to describe it. Not being 'racist' just observant and I havent seen one person from mixed race or indian etc.. that doesnt call this nonsense bullying going on in the bb house Racism.
IMO some people this country is just too quick to pull out the RACE CARD in any situations that involve an individual that maybe a different culture/colour/whatever.

Jade IS thick.. so much so she makes my 10 year old lil sister look intelligent! LMAO.. and I think its down to Jealousy definately.

Shilpa has her own way of doing things.. I understand what she was trying to say about how it wouldnt work with giving everyone £5 to pick what they want.
Who's fiver would the milk, tea, sugar, cooking oil, toilet rolls etc come out of then? they should have given everyone £4 each and the remaining bought stuff like that.
But I laughed my head off when they didnt get the board back in time!
I do agree but Jack did call her a "paki"......that IS racist.
I believe they think jack said something else beginning with a C, not nice but not racist, more like sexist.
Apparently Jo's family and relatives are really disappointed in her behaviour, especially since she was bullied at school.
I dont enjoy watching it any more, I know girls can be bitchy but they take the bloody biscuite.
I want danielle to go her voice goes throgh me and i think the house would be a lot better.
Oh and i wonder if teddy will be cringing in his seat:rolleyes:
The viewing figures shot up by 1 million last night apparently, and Shilpa is now the favourite to win.
i hope she does i like her and jamaine
Yeh, if they find Shilpa irritating its because shes so damn beautiful and nothing to do with her being Indian.
Its still painful to watch, reminds me of Jodi Marsh last year and that was awful to watch.

But it must be absolutely awful to live in that place with people you dont get on with. I went on holiday with my friends years ago and after 7 days we hated each other - that was on a fab holiday with people I get on with and we were free.
i hear that 3 new people are going in tonight...
Do you know who ther are angie?
Jade should be ashamed of herself, what a fowl mouth she has ( i mean i swear sometimes but not as intentional as that!) I'm feeling for Shilpa they are using any excuse to start on her.
I do agree but Jack did call her a "paki"......that IS racist.
I believe they think jack said something else beginning with a C, not nice but not racist, more like sexist.
Yes I read in The Times today that they have checked it out and he called her a c**t.....don't know which is worse really.
Yes I read in The Times today that they have checked it out and he called her a c**t.....don't know which is worse really.

I hate that word with a passion its awful!:irked:
I USED to quite like Jade, well not anymore, my god, what an awful row over such a silly thing.

It made me cringe to watch Jade shouting and screaming at Shilpa whilst Danielle and Jo just sat and watched like giggling demented monkeys. It so took me back to secondary school, when the quieter kids get picked on and no one is brave anough to intervene.

To be honest I hope Jade, Danelle and Jo get a really hard time when they come out of the house, as they are so very out of order for their behaviour towards Shilpa.

Just horrible
I am watching this and I am gobsmacked Jade is a loud mouth common trouble maker and I hope Shilpa doesnt think everyone in the uk is like her.
I am watching this and I am gobsmacked Jade is a loud mouth common trouble maker and I hope Shilpa doesnt think everyone in the uk is like her.

I fully agree, I don't know why she has this so called celebrity status anyway, as Shilpa said she is a result of the BB thing - and she will do anything to stay in the limelight. I hope now that she goes back to the anonymity she came from. You can take the girl out of the gutter but you can't take the gutter out of the girl!
I fully agree, I don't know why she has this so called celebrity status anyway, as Shilpa said she is a result of the BB thing - and she will do anything to stay in the limelight. I hope now that she goes back to the anonymity she came from. You can take the girl out of the gutter but you can't take the gutter out of the girl!

Couldn't of put it better myself!! Well maybe they'll watch themselves on it when they get out and realise how horrible they have come across. I suppose if they learn something from the experience then it is not totally wasted? I think Shilpa has come across with such dignity and class and makes Jade and co look so cheap and common in contrast.

It does make for uncomfortable viewing sometimes,slightly addictive also, I am just very glad that Shilpa stuck up for herself tonight and gave Jade a bit of her own medicine back.

Oh and what exactly does Jade's boyfriend do, anything? Does he ever talk? I know i've seen him move a few times so I know at least that he's alive!!
Do you know who ther are angie?

nope, and as you may have saw they didn't, but thats what it said in todays sun newspaper...maybe they went in today and we will see tomorrow, cos its all a day behind isn't it.

who ever it is i do hope they rain on Jades parade and put her in her place....she was just evil tonight.

Bless i am loving Jermain (sp) he is so calming and full of wisdom...but my all time fav is Cleo...she is a true gem and i hope she wins this. x

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